Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Pacific Time / 9 p.m. Eastern Time  

The monthly prophetic word is released on the FIRST Wednesday of each month.

During the Spirit Connection episodes, Doug shares a variety of things, including: releasing a monthly prophetic word, doing prophetic teaching, interviewing guests, and much more. 

Spirit Connection airs on Doug's website, Facebook Live, YouTube, and the Doug Addison app every Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific Time / 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

The InLight Connection team will be available for live chat with the audience only on the first Wednesday of each month when Doug releases the Monthly Prophetic Word. (Archive videos are below.)

Prophetic Word for 2021: Restoration of Hope and Peace [Episode 162]

Have you felt like you’ve been in prison or held captive in your home? In this episode of Spirit Connection, I’ve got a prophetic word for the year ahead and some specific things that you can do right now to transition into the new season. The Lord is restoring hope…
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New Year Vision to Possess the Kingdom [Episode 161]

At this time of year, the Lord releases His prophetic plan for us. Our hearts have been tested in 2020 to see if we’re ready to handle greater authority and responsibility, especially in the area of finances, to possess the Kingdom on Earth. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I…
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God Has a Special Gift at Christmas [Episode 160]

Do you feel like you’ve been laboring? I know that I sure do! Much like giving birth, this past year has been a particularly difficult and painful time. But in this episode of Spirit Connection, I want to encourage you and help you see what God is doing through this…
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Special Prophetic Release: What Went Wrong with the Prophets?

Many prophets have been prophesying a different outcome for the 2020 election. I want to address this head-on and offer prophetic insight and understanding if you're struggling with the results of the election.  In the video message below, I answer many questions and share the heart of the Lord on…
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5 Steps to Accelerate in the New Year [Episode 159]

We are entering into a season of breakthrough instead of breakdown. God told me that the breakthrough strategy we need is outside of our current thinking, and we really need a heavenly perspective to align us with what’s coming in the new year. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I’m…
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Prophetic Impartation of Peace and Love [Episode 158]

We’re at a spiritual turning point. Even though we’re still dealing with the pandemic right now, you can’t measure the outpouring of Heaven with the attack of the enemy. You need to shift your focus to what God is doing in the midst of it all.
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Prophetic Word: The Turning Point Is Here [Episode 157]

Just recently I heard the Lord say, “Brace for impact!” Not impact in a bad way, but something that’s coming from Heaven that’s going to change things. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I want to help you get your hope up! A whole lot of shaking is going on…
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A New Sound from Heaven Is Coming [Episode 156]

We’re living in a difficult environment in many ways right now. But do you know what? You can change how it affects you in an instant by choosing to change how you see it. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I want to encourage you to not give up or…
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Tips for Staying at Peace [Episode 155]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, I want to encourage you not to get caught up into the negative spiritual atmosphere that’s influencing the world through politics, social issues, health concerns, the economy and so much more. I have an encouraging word and some tips for you from how I…
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The Source of All the Craziness [Episode 154]

We’re seeing and hearing a lot of strange, dark things in the world these days. But I have some good news! In this episode of Spirit Connection, I want to help you learn how to specialize in focusing on hope, strength, peace and power from the Lord. God is giving…
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Prophetic Word: Infusions of Hope, Strength, Peace and Power [Episode 153]

God has not forgotten you! I recently saw the Lord releasing angels who were infusing people with a new wind to get through our current situation. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I walk you through how to stay at peace and trust God—no matter what things look like ……
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How to Pray for Leaders and Those You Don’t Agree With [Episode 152]

The Lord has asked me to raise up an army to pray over the next couple of months. So, in this episode of Spirit Connection, I talk about the U.S. elections and give you some tips on how to pray for leaders. We have to understand the importance of honoring…
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