Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Pacific Time / 9 p.m. Eastern Time  

The monthly prophetic word is released on the FIRST Wednesday of each month.

During the Spirit Connection episodes, Doug shares a variety of things, including: releasing a monthly prophetic word, doing prophetic teaching, interviewing guests, and much more. 

Spirit Connection airs on Doug's website, Facebook Live, YouTube, and the Doug Addison app every Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific Time / 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

The InLight Connection team will be available for live chat with the audience only on the first Wednesday of each month when Doug releases the Monthly Prophetic Word. (Archive videos are below.)

Prophetic Message for Yom Kippur [Episode 198]

We are no longer under the Old Testament law of Moses, but God still operates on the Jewish calendar ... and He will pour out His goodness!
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How to Celebrate Rosh Hashanah [Episode 197]

It is the last day of Rosh Hashanah—the Jewish New Year that started September 6 and ends at sunset on September 8. Happy New Year 5782!
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Prophetic Word: Greater Blessings as the Disasters Will Pass [Episode 196]

I share the word the Lord gave me for September and the coming year … and it’s all good news!
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Charging Your Spiritual Batteries [Episode 195]

I want to share an experience I had this month about timing and release encouragement to charge your spiritual batteries.
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Opening the Creative Flow of Heaven [Episode 194]

I’ll unpack what the Lord is releasing that will help you in your current life situation!
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Breakthrough Plan from Psalm 32 [Episode 193]

I share more about mysteries and revelation being revealed and a fresh word from Heaven about an amazing breakthrough plan!
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Prophetic Word: God Is Bringing You into Perfect Timing [Episode 192]

I teach you how to prepare for the new things God is doing in your life, starting in August!
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How to Change Your Situation Now! [Episode 191]

I want to give you some practical instructions on how you can flip your situation around—right now!
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The Seven Spirits of God Being Released This Week [Episode 190]

This is a strategic week … the Lord is releasing a new level of the 7 Spirits of God. We need this to help reboot our ability to hear the Lord.
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Steps to Developing Higher Revelation [Episode 189]

I have good news … God is releasing you out of the past season!
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Prophetic Word: New Hope and Deeper Understanding [Episode 188]

I will unpack what that means for you! Expect greater clarity, higher revelation and deeper understanding.
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How to Break Through Anything Coming Against You [Episode 187]

This will help you get through the storms and bumpy transition we are in right now.
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