The Best Bible Verses to Declare with Thanksgiving

Happy, happy Thanksgiving to those in the United States! On this holiday, many people like to eat good food and share in the company of our family and friends. It’s a time when we give thanks to God and remember how grateful we are for all we have—and all that…

Boost Your Prayer Life with These 5 Top Blogs

Have you noticed that something big is stirring in the spiritual atmosphere? 2020 is just around the corner, and lots of people are feeling that it’s going to be a defining year. Now, more than ever before, we need the power of prayer. But many of us have trouble knowing…

Three Ways to Get Your Message out There

Has God given you a message, but you’re not sure how to get it out to the world? The good news is that you live in an exciting time when there is so much opportunity to share the message God has given you in a variety of ways. Here are…

Prophetic Word: God Is Revealing the Book of Your Purpose

This is the start of the Jewish New Year and a new season spiritually. This year, the Lord is releasing favor for those who have suffered. Even though it has seemed that things have been delayed, the Lord is going to fulfill His promises to you. I continue to hear…

How to Supercharge Your Prayer Life

Do you believe prayer changes things? Most of us know that prayer can change everything and anything! But it is sometimes difficult to make prayer a priority. Here is my personal outline to help you streamline your prayer time. You don’t have to stick completely to this—and the outline will…

Listen Up! Your Destiny is Being Revealed!

Do you find yourself asking this question: “How do I know if what I’m hearing is from myself, from the enemy or other sources?”  It’s important that you learn to discern the voice of God from other sources because new impartation for your destiny is coming right now! Here’s how…

Why You Don’t Need to Fear Death

Have you experienced the death of a loved one? Maybe you’re facing an illness, or you feel like you don’t want to go on. I want to share with you God’s perspective on death, my personal experience with understanding death, and why you don’t have to be afraid! My heavenly…

4 Blocks That Can Cloud Your Vision

Do you want to do big things for God? Usually, the first step in our journey with the Lord is to walk through a time of deep, deep healing.  This time of year is called the Days of Awe. It’s a moment of hearing God more clearly for your destiny,…

Prophetic Word: Time for Heavenly Books to Be Revealed

Get ready to hear the voice of the Lord more clearly. Watch as He brings you out of a time of being hidden. In several encounters with the Lord, I have seen books of Heaven being opened containing strategies and assignments that are being released right now. Books of the…

3 Benefits to the Days of Awe

Need fresh revelation from God or direction for your next steps? God is releasing revelation about your destiny in this season! We’re in a time when the Lord is opening the Books of Heaven over us. During the Days of Awe—Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur—God speaks to us concerning our…

Let Go of the Old to Embrace the New

Does it seem like the stuff that used to work for you doesn’t anymore? If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you may know what plateaus are. It’s when your body stops responding to what was working before. Health and fitness coaches will tell you to switch up your routine…

Signs That You Need a New Strategy to Advance in Your Life

Feeling stuck in your daily life? You may need a new strategy so you can advance into your life purpose! Here are a few signs that you need a new game-plan so you can keep moving forward: #1 You’re bored with your life. You may feel like everything is same-old-same-old,…
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