Prophetic Word: A Time for Healing Divisions and Laying Down the “Club of Love”

We have been under a time of heavy storms and warfare sent from the enemy of our souls. As I have been saying, this is to distract us from what God is preparing and bringing to the Earth right now. It is time to believe and not doubt! In the…

Why You Were Made for This Time

Do you know that God brought you into the world for this specific time? People of the past were given a period of time to live and fulfill their purpose on the Earth. Many of them did great things and we can admire and be grateful for them, but their…

Should I Ask God for a Sign?

How confident do you feel when it comes to hearing God? Do you hear from God only sometimes, much of the time, all the time … or maybe you’re not even sure if you’ve ever heard God at all? God is speaking all the time, but we often miss what…

Prophetic Word: New Power & Authority to Part Your Sea

Sea of trouble parting Ask the Lord for rain in the springtime; it is the Lord who sends the thunderstorms. He gives showers of rain to all people, and plants of the field to everyone … They will pass through the sea of trouble; the surging sea will be subdued…

Where is God in Our Pain and Struggle?

When hard times happen, we may wonder where God is through it all. We can fall into focusing on the pain of our struggle and believing we are alone. Regardless of how we may feel, God never leaves our side. He still speaks to us even when we’re at the…

Need a Safer Way to Do Spiritual Warfare?

Have you ever been around someone who chronically complains? Someone who tends to complain about everything that’s going wrong in their lives or in the world? This is often a symptom of an over-focus on Satan, demons and curses instead of focusing on God, angels and the Lord’s blessings. God…

This is Your Time to Step Up and Not Down

God is releasing your assignment for the coming year right now. It’s common for all hell to break loose in your life during this process. Don’t be alarmed if you experience things like setbacks, debt, discouragement or broken relationships. It can feel like you’ve taken a step forward only to…

A Strategy Jesus Highlighted for the Coming Year

I just released Prophetic Word: Ancient Paths and Time of Transition that includes an encounter I had with the Lord on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement). If you missed that, be sure to check it out here. In the prophetic word, I talk about the Lord opening up ancient paths…

Prophetic Word: Ancient Paths and Time of Transition

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. Psalm 16:11 NIV The Lord is opening the path of life to you and bringing a long-awaited release of supernatural joy. Even though things may…

How to Help Children Understand Their Dreams

Do you know that children can have supernatural encounters just like adults? At times, they can even be more sensitive to the heavenly realm than adults. Here are a few things you can do to help the children in your life develop a positive relationship with hearing God—especially through supernatural…

How to Be Naturally Supernatural Everyday

Do you know you are interacting with the supernatural every day? God wants to connect with you through dreams and angelic encounters and give you a glimpse into the heavenly realm! If you aren’t having supernatural encounters, there can be many reasons why. Here are some possible blocks that could…

You Can Get Your Breakthrough in Your Dreams

Though not all dreams are from God, God is speaking through dreams. Once you understand them, you can benefit from any dream—even a nightmare, which reveals the plans of the enemy.   [Tweet "God is speaking through dreams. Once you understand them, you can benefit from any dream—even a nightmare"]…
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