What Happens When You Die-to-Yourself Too Much

What does happiness or contentment look like to you? In my nearly 30 years of spiritual coaching, I noticed a lot of people could not answer this question. After digging a little deeper, I found that it was due to a not-so-good interpretation of “dying to self” that comes from…

This is Why Your Surroundings Can Influence Your Thoughts

Do you feel like you have a hard time controlling the flow of your thoughts? You may feel like you’ve tried everything, but still can’t seem to stop the negativity in your mindset.

What to Do When All Your Choices Are Good

“How do I narrow down my options when all the choices are good ones?” This is a common question I’ve received in my years of being a prophetic life coach. It may seem easier to choose when all the choices—except one—are not good. But what happens when all your options…

Why Being Good at a Lot of Things Can Be a Good Thing

Have you ever felt like you’re good at a lot of different things? Sometimes it may feel like you’re interested in too many things. You have probably heard this saying: “A jack of all trades is a master of none ...”

Prophetic Word: The Gateway to the Glory of God

For the past few months, I have been seeing new gates and doorways opening in the spiritual realm. This is going to shift the spiritual atmosphere over those who are discouraged and under heavy attack of oppression. Each month I see a different door open in Heaven that releases the…

7 False Beliefs That Keep You from Writing Your Book

When I got the idea for my first book, it took me 3 years before I even started writing it. Once I started, I wrote the manuscript in 3 weeks! I went from struggling with fear of failure, discouragement and guilt—to being the author of 12 books, with others in…

Why Your Story Matters in the Big Picture

What’s your favorite story in the Bible? Have you noticed there’s a little bit of everything? We have stories of adventure and romance, betrayal and friendship, the supernatural and the natural. Then we have the books of poetry and psalms, and the book of Proverbs where we receive practical, life…

3 Ways to Break Out of June Gloom and Choose Joy

Do you feel like you’re trying to beat back the June Gloom? This is because things are beginning to heat up in both the spiritual realm and the natural. Not everything is perfectly aligned yet, so things can seem foggy and unclear. The good news is I saw a powerful…

Prophetic Word: New Power and Greater Understanding

There is a lot to be excited about starting in the month of June. It is the time of Pentecost when God sent the power of the Holy Spirit to Earth in Acts 2. “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard…

What You Need to Change in Your Financial Strategy

Do you feel like you’re called to do big things for the Kingdom of God, but never seem to have enough money? Your financial future is not hopeless! Here are 3 mindset-shifts to help you start opening the heavens over your finances right now: 1. Find out where your treasure…

Why Your Destiny Isn’t Linear … and That’s a Good Thing!

Do you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, but aren’t sure how it fits in with God’s plan for your life? There seems to be this idea in our society that reaching our goals and going after our life purpose should make sense all the way through…

3 Confidence-Boosters to Make Waves in the Destiny Pool

Remember jumping into a pool for the first time? Taking that initial leap is often the most difficult part. It’s just like starting anything new in life. The hardest part is simply getting started! Making the plunge into your destiny may feel similar. Here are 3 things you can do…
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