Prophetic Word: New Power and Greater Understanding

There is a lot to be excited about starting in the month of June. It is the time of Pentecost when God sent the power of the Holy Spirit to Earth in Acts 2. “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard…

What You Need to Change in Your Financial Strategy

Do you feel like you’re called to do big things for the Kingdom of God, but never seem to have enough money? Your financial future is not hopeless! Here are 3 mindset-shifts to help you start opening the heavens over your finances right now: 1. Find out where your treasure…

Why Your Destiny Isn’t Linear … and That’s a Good Thing!

Do you feel like you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be, but aren’t sure how it fits in with God’s plan for your life? There seems to be this idea in our society that reaching our goals and going after our life purpose should make sense all the way through…

3 Confidence-Boosters to Make Waves in the Destiny Pool

Remember jumping into a pool for the first time? Taking that initial leap is often the most difficult part. It’s just like starting anything new in life. The hardest part is simply getting started! Making the plunge into your destiny may feel similar. Here are 3 things you can do…

How to React to Change with Grace

Are you feeling like change is in the air? In my latest prophetic word, I shared that there will be no more delays starting in the month of May. Many of us have been asking God for promotions, new revelation, alignment, etc. Things that have been holding you back in…

Prophetic Word: Scrolls & Strategies Being Released from Heaven

You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For, “In just a little while, he who is coming will come and will not delay.” Hebrews 10:36–37 NIV The Lord said, “Your time of waiting is now coming…

This Passover: New Authority, Freedom and Creative Flow

Have you been asking God for new growth and change? This year, Passover starts at sundown on April 19 and goes through sundown April 27. Passover is a Jewish festival that celebrates God’s greatness and mercy. God gave instructions to the Israelites in Egypt that would cause the disaster, or destroyer,…

Now is the Time to Throw off the Weight of Expectations

Do you often feel as if the destiny God has for you is different than the one your friends or family want for you? Or maybe you don’t know what you are called to do in life. This is a common issue people face when seeking to step into their…

3 Remedies for These 3 Attacks of the Enemy

Have you experienced a case of spiritual identity theft? Here are a few clues: You find yourself thinking often about your past mistakes. You feel like a victim instead of a victor. You struggle with forgiving others who have hurt you. Did you answer “yes” to any of the above…

Prophetic Word: God is Renewing Your Mind into a Gold Mind

It is time to renew your mind through the Holy Spirit and not think logically. The Lord is moving beyond your natural thoughts, and your solution is already being released from Heaven. It will be important to come into agreement with the plans and thoughts of the Lord that are…

Why It’s Important to Remember Your First Love

Feel like you’ve fallen out of touch with God and His purposes for you?As we go throughout our lives, we get busy. We have family members who have needs, a job to work, homes to tend to, etc. Sometimes we get so busy that time passes us by. Then, before…

How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Do you have a goal you’ve been meaning to pursue, but haven’t accomplished yet?Many of us have heard God concerning our destiny and have many wonderful dreams or great ideas, but—when it comes to taking action—we have trouble making progress with concrete steps towards these goals.So how can we turn…
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