How to Turn Your Dreams Into Reality

Do you have a goal you’ve been meaning to pursue, but haven’t accomplished yet?Many of us have heard God concerning our destiny and have many wonderful dreams or great ideas, but—when it comes to taking action—we have trouble making progress with concrete steps towards these goals.So how can we turn…

3 Potential Roadblocks to Hearing God

Hearing God’s voice is actually easy and does not need to be complicated. My experience is that most Christians have not been trained on how to hear the voice of God, how to respond to Him or to understand His timing.

Prophetic Word: A Season of Dreams and Visions

Season of dreams and prophetic words We are entering into a time when the Lord is going to release deep revelation through dreams and visions. Powerful prophetic words are going to start flowing from Heaven. Let the prophet who has a dream recount the dream, but let the one who…

Do You Need to Turn from This Tomb in Your Life?

One day I had a breakthrough experience that changed my life forever. I was reading the Bible and noticed that Mary Magdalene went to Jesus’ tomb on Sunday morning after He was crucified and buried. The stone in front of the tomb was rolled aside, so she knelt down and…

Break out of the Box to Enter Your Destiny

Are you truly aware of all you can accomplish with God? Many of us are walking around with heavy loads of baggage. We feel weighed down by life’s problems and the obstacles we encounter. Others are simply living in tiny boxes. We’ve put limits on what we believe we can…

Allow Your Love to Ripple Through the World

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself how big your love impact on the world really is? It’s like ripples in the water. When you drop a stone into water, the ripples may begin where you dropped the stone, but they continue to move outward in larger circles—to create a…

Prophetic Word: Things Are Birthing Early & How to Prepare

This month I received an update on the prophetic word and encounter I had last year on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. It was September 19, 2018, and I had a very powerful prophetic dream and spiritual encounter with the Lord. I released this prophetic word,…

Two People Your Destiny Needs to Succeed

How confident do you feel when it comes to the journey to pursue your destiny? I have found that most people already have what they need to either get started or take the next step in their destiny. They just need encouragement, support or directions to move forward. [Tweet "Having an…

How to Move Forward from the Mistakes of Your Past

Do you feel like we must be on the verge of a breakthrough? This is because strategies from the Lord are being released from Heaven right now concerning your destiny! [Tweet "Strategies from the Lord are being released from Heaven right now concerning your destiny!"] God is revealing the purposes…

How to Go from “Shut Down” to Rising Above!

Do you feel as if you’re at a standstill in your life? You may feel like there are many obstacles in your path with no way to break through them. This is the enemy trying to shut you down in the spirit. Some of the most strategic tools in his…

Try Something New and Watch Favor Spring Up

Did you know that you have a Book of Life in Heaven? It contains a record of the plans and destiny God has for you! The Book of Life is actually mentioned several times in the Bible. For example: “… all the days ordained for me were written in your…

Prophetic Word for 2019: Your Book of Life is Opening

This is the year of the Lord’s favor for you. No matter when you read or listen to this message, you can receive this prophetic word from the Lord because He is outside of the confines of time and space. What is coming this year And as he was praying,…
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