3 Ways to Have Eyes to See

Now is the time to get on the Lord’s timetable. But how can you position yourself when there’s so much noise surrounding you? You need to tap into the seer gift, which empowers you to see what’s going on from God’s perspective. This is how Jesus calmed the storm, walked…

The Sound of Heaven is Filling the Earth

I feel an urgency in the spirit surrounding my latest prophetic word that God is filling the Earth with new joy. I released last week that the joy is here now, but we have to storm the Gate of Joy to walk through it. Have you ever noticed that sometimes…

Storm the Gate of Joy!

A Gate of Joy is before you! Are you going to walk through it? The prophetic word I gave in June is that medical and supernatural solutions for the coronavirus are being released from Heaven. Seven weeks after Pentecost—which is July 19—a Gate of Joy is going to open up.…

Prophetic Word: Joy is Returning to the House

At Pentecost (May 31, 2020), the Lord spoke to me that in 7 weeks—July 19, 2020—the Gate of Joy would open over people. You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to…

Move into Divine Opportunity

Divine opportunity is knocking on your door right now. Before you let your thoughts tell you, this cannot be possible, I want you to take a minute … and breathe. Yes, the world seems to have gone crazy. Yes, there’s a lot going on. But that doesn’t change the fact…

What to Do If You Feel Forgotten by God

Have you ever gone through a season of life when nothing seems to be working for you? You may even begin to feel forgotten by God. You were promised all these amazing things, but they never seem to come to pass. Your feelings may feel even more intense due to…

The 4 Seasons of Life You Should Know

I’ve given a recent prophetic word that we are entering into a season of joy. That may be hard to believe when you look around at what is going on in the world today. But the trouble we’re experiencing is not here to stay. No matter what it looks like…

Prophetic Word: COVID-19 Solution and Plan for the Next 7 Months

“… I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” Jeremiah 31:13 NIV If you aren’t familiar with Pentecost, it coincides with the Jewish festival of the Feast of Weeks that takes place 7 weeks after Passover and Resurrection Sunday. For Christians,…

Now Is Not the Time to Give Up!

There’s a lot of uncertainty in the air right now, but God is saying that now is not the time to give up! Now is the time to stand firm and watch God move on our behalf. This doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done; it just means that…

A Season of Pentecost and Prosperity

The Pentecost season is almost here. What an exciting time! If you aren’t familiar with Pentecost, it coincides with the Jewish festival of Shavuot that takes place 50 days after Passover. For Christians, it also commemorates when the Holy Spirit filled God's people in Acts 2. This year, Shavuot begins…

This Is a Season of Accelerated Learning

The world seems to have come to a halt. But that’s just what’s happening on the surface. God is working behind the scenes. The Lord often took His people into times of quiet reflection. Here are just a few examples … Moses went up to Mount Sinai to hear the…

Prophetic Word: You Need to Have Faith and Still Be Safe

Help is on the way! The Lord is moving powerfully on your behalf and is releasing new hope from Heaven. Watch for your strength and clarity to increase starting this month. “On the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty, “they will be my treasured possession. I will spare…
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