Spirit Connection Podcast

Spirit Connection podcast goes live each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. on our Streaming website, YouTube, and Facebook. Tune in each week for weekly prophetic words! Check out recently released words below.

Help from the Lord in Difficult Times [Episode 292]

The Lord is pouring out His great power and love for us right now. Many of us have been walking through difficult times, but we can take refuge in Him! In this episode of Spirit Connection, I share a powerful Psalm and a few ways you can use it to…

The Lord Is Our Protection [Episode 291]

We might go through some storms, but the Lord is our protection. He is our refuge and our shield in difficult times. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I give you some encouragement about the different ways God is faithful to protect us, bring us help, joy, love and strength!

Asking the Lord for Mercy [Episode 290]

The Lord is our protection in so many ways and asking Him for mercy is one way we’ll explore today. This is truly a time of change for the good!

The Lord Is with Us [Episode 289]

Who needs a shot of joy? Remember … the Lord is with us, and His joy is our strength!

Psalm 33 Decrees [Episode 288]

Do you feel like your prayer life is in a rut? I’ve got some great tools for you to use that will change your situation for the good!

Prophetic Word: Healing, Redemption and Restoration [Episode 287]

I’ve got a very special prophetic word for the month of June and beyond. This message is sure to encourage you about the healing, redemption and restoration that is being imparted right now.

Stay Close to the Lord [Episode 286]

Want to be closer to the Lord? There are many things we can do to draw closer to God … and, in turn, He will draw us into His awesome presence!

Be Strong and Courageous [Episode 285]

The Lord is bringing His guidance and breaking off fear. It’s a time the Lord is renewing our strength, our courage … and bringing protection to us!

Restoration of Hope [Episode 284]

Need a shot of hope? The Lord is doing a deep work … healing and preparing us for what is ahead. The Lord is restoring hope to His people!

Prophetic Word: How to Pray for May [Episode 283]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, I show you how to pray a special prayer strategy for May 2023. It centers around five key verses that are very powerful when prayed together.

Prayer, Healing and Restoration [Episode 282]

The Lord is moving! It’s time to wait on the Lord and ask Him for the plans and purposes to be revealed. In this episode of Spirit Connection, I share more instructions about how to break through things that have been holding us back. It’s indeed a time of change…

The Lord Is Moving [Episode 281]

In this episode of Spirit Connection, I give you details of what season we are in and how important prayer is right now. In fact, I’m repeating last week’s episode because it outlines a very powerful way to pray to help you clear out old issues in your life!
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