Spirit Connection Podcast

Spirit Connection podcast goes live each Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. on our Streaming website, YouTube, and Facebook. Tune in each week for weekly prophetic words! Check out recently released words below.

God Is Giving Us Passover Strategies Right Now [Episode 123]

Feeling out of control and need a solid strategy to move forward? April 8 starts the Passover season and it continues through April 16. God is releasing strategies during this unique time … and He is turning everything that was meant for evil into good! This is a special time…

Prophetic Word: Coming Out of the Valley of Trouble [Episode 122]

Are you ready for this troublesome season to change? In this Spirit Connection episode, I impart a rich word of hope God gave me. Right now, we’re in uncertain times—a valley of trouble. It’s economic. It’s spiritual. It’s environmental. There are also personal attacks on health, families and finances. But…

Prayer to Break the Coronavirus [Episode 121]

Do you want a powerful prayer to cover multiple coronavirus issues? There are so many areas of life to consider when you pray for something this serious. You want protection for your family, wisdom for what to do right now and a strategy to agree with God to come against…

Do Not Fear the Coronavirus—Stay in Peace! [Episode 120]

Are you wondering about the big picture of the coronavirus? We are in the middle of a global crisis with the coronavirus—COVID-19—but I want to assure you that it is a storm that will blow over. In this Spirit Connection episode, I talk about what God has shown me about…

Be Encouraged—A New Awakening is Here! [Episode 119]

Do you wonder when global revival will start to happen? It will start with God reviving each of us, personally. As we love and encourage others, it will spread to our families, neighborhoods and the world.

Prophetic Word: A Downpour from Heaven Is Coming [Episode 118]

Have you been in a long, hard season? I’ve got good news … relief is coming.

A Special Episode to Answer Your Questions [Episode 117]

Wouldn’t it be great to have a personal mentor? I’ve found that an effective way to mentor people is to answer their questions about things that will help them grow spiritually. People really want to know the deep things of God. So, this special Spirit Connection episode is dedicated to…

How God Speaks through Dreams [Episode 116]

Could you be having dreams at night that reveal things about your future?

God Is Revealing Clues About Your Destiny [Episode 115]

God has a unique plan for everyone—and He gives us clues along the way. Whether you already know your destiny and want to advance to the next level, or even if you’re just beginning to learn what God has called you to … there’s always more to discover about God’s…

Prophetic Word: A New Season of Radical Outpouring [Episode 114]

Have you been in a dry, wilderness time? Get ready to be encouraged. This is a new season of radical outpouring … and it is starting this month!

Getting Wisdom for Kingdom Financial Strategies [Episode 113]

Do you have dreams for your life, but need finances to make it happen? Prosperity is having the freedom and time to do what God calls you to do, when He calls you to do it! That’s my definition, anyway. In this Spirit Connection episode, I share a vision God…

Tips to Step into Your Life Purpose [Episode 112]

Do you wonder if you’re on track with God’s purpose for your life? Maybe you’re not sure what you’re called to do. If you already know, I want to bump you up to the next level. Wherever you are in the process, God’s got new things for you to help…
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