How to Help Children Understand Their Dreams

Do you know that children can have supernatural encounters just like adults? At times, they can even be more sensitive to the heavenly realm than adults. Here are a few things you can do to help the children in your life develop a positive relationship with hearing God—especially through supernatural…

How to Be Naturally Supernatural Everyday

Do you know you are interacting with the supernatural every day? God wants to connect with you through dreams and angelic encounters and give you a glimpse into the heavenly realm! If you aren’t having supernatural encounters, there can be many reasons why. Here are some possible blocks that could…

You Can Get Your Breakthrough in Your Dreams

Though not all dreams are from God, God is speaking through dreams. Once you understand them, you can benefit from any dream—even a nightmare, which reveals the plans of the enemy.   [Tweet "God is speaking through dreams. Once you understand them, you can benefit from any dream—even a nightmare"]…

Prophetic Word: Your Season of Promotion and Repayment Is Here

September is going to be an awesome time during the Days of Awe. This is a month in which God speaks more clearly to us about the coming year and about our destiny. Each year, during the time of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day…

The Things That Were Sealed Are Now Being Revealed

Are you ready to hear God more clearly? Do you need a breakthrough in an area of your life? We are just a few weeks away from an important time called Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur—the Days of Awe. These holidays celebrate the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) which falls…

Prophetic Word: How to Break Free from Limitations

We all go through seasons when it seems like we are not being acknowledged or released into our fullest potential. God uses these times to train and develop foundational character in us. Sometimes this can feel like “house arrest.” Limitations ending Set me free from my prison, that I may…

Why the Courts of Heaven are Important for Your Destiny

It is a time to be encouraged as God is bringing new hope in the midst of the difficulty concerning your destiny! If God had released these things sooner, you wouldn’t have been ready for them. The hard times that you have walked through have prepared you for the big…

Prophetic Word: God Is Revealing Mysteries to Give You Peace

August is going to be a special month, as long-awaited revelation from Heaven will start flowing freely. For many people, there has been a drought in the spiritual realm for a number of months—even years. This is now going to break, and God is going to open the heavens with…

How to Be Positive in a Negative Atmosphere

God is shifting things beneath the surface even if you can’t see it right now! The enemy may be coming in like a flood, but God has given you the power to walk on the water. There is a story in the Bible that talks about Jesus’ disciples being caught…

Prophetic Word: 40 Weeks of Hard Labor Ends Now

This is an exciting week that is going to be a turning point for many people! Forty (40) weeks ago God opened your Book of Life and now it is going to be birthed this week! The Jewish holiday, Hoshana Rabbah, is the time when God reveals your Book of…

Prophetic Word: A Strategic Time for Breakthrough

7-year season ending We are in a time of a 7-year season that is coming to completion. It started in 2011 and is now concluding in 2018. If you go back and look at the calendar in 2011, you will see how something started but ended abruptly, or there was…

Prophetic Word: Overcoming the 3-Cord Attack of the Enemy

This is a call and a strategy to pray and break the spirit of violence. 80 days of preparation God spoke to me that we’ve just entered a very important time—July 1, 2018, through September 19, 2018. September 19 is Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement on the Jewish calendar,…
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