Prophetic Word: The Wind of Change & the Glory of God Returning

March Wind of Change

Each year the Wind of Change (not Winds) from Heaven begins to blow things into place. This year it is going to start in March and continue through May. I have been observing this angel from Heaven since 2012, and as this angelic Wind begins to blow it often kicks up debris in our lives. It might cause a temporary loss of vision, but it does not last long at all.

When the Wind of Change angel blows it reveals things that have been hidden (Psalm 104:4). Things that may have been holding you back will become much clearer. It will blow away the heavy cloud of hopelessness. Many people will be tempted to give in to discouragement, but do not back down as this time of resistance will not last long. What will come from this will be a greater revelation into your calling and divine assignment from God.

As in the analogy of wheat, the seed is protected by a covering that keeps it alive during its growth. But once the seed matures and ripens, what once protected the seed is no longer needed. This outer shell becomes chaff and a wind comes during the harvest and blows it away. God is going to use the Wind of Change to drive away the attacks against you.

“May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away …” Psalm 35:5 NIV

A new sound brings fast turnaround

Despite the way things look on the surface or in the natural realm, God is releasing many strategic things starting this month. There are things that you have battled for in the past, but because you faced such great opposition you may have backed down or given up. This is a time to press back in and ask God to open the doors for these things to come into reality.

As the Wind of Change blows it will release a new sound that is going to begin to awaken those who have been on “injured reserve” or have felt forgotten by God. Similar to Joseph in Genesis 41 who had been in prison but he had a 24-hour restoration in his life. Expect to see changes and sudden good breaks.

“Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around.” Proverbs 13:12 MSG

Watch for strategic divine connections to start coming. I have seen this happen several times in the past when we have moved into a season of realignment. Part of the Wind of Change’s activity is going to bring about some major changes in relationships, associations, locations and ultimately it will bring new assignments to you.

The Glory of God is returning in 2017

It will be the Wind of Change during March through May that will set the stage for some very long-awaited changes. It will begin to open the Heavens over us in new ways and awaken people to their need for God’s love and power. It will release a greater measure of God’s Glory and presence.

“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.” Acts 2:2 NKJV

The last revival in North America was the Jesus People movement in the early 1970s. During this time there was a strong presence of God’s Glory. It was like a liquid anointing or tangible spiritual atmosphere that could be felt by many people. Without God’s greater Glory and power, we will not be able to be part of a revival and movement as big as what God has in store for us.

In 1975, the Lord spoke to the late prophet Bob Jones that the greater Glory of God was going to leave the Church because it was used for man’s gain instead of for revival and the Lord’s work. On March 11, 1977 Bob saw this Glory lift from the Church and it has not returned since. Yes, there are people who still carry portions of it, but overall, the Glory of God has not been on the Church at large since that time.

March 2017 is the 40th anniversary of the Glory departing. This is the year that the Glory of God is going to return to the Church. Like the Glory of the 1970s it will not be limited to the four walls of a church. Similar to the Jesus People movement, the Glory of God is coming with signs and wonders, healing and miracles and will begin to touch those outside the Church and in the streets.

I am not saying all of these things about the big revival will take place in 2017 or that this will be evident in March. But God is releasing something after March 17 that will position us to receive more of His Glory and presence.

This has been a year that started out looking evil and dark, but it will end with greater hope and more of the Light of the Lord being released. Get ready to cross over into a new season this month!


Doug Addison

P.S. Do you want to encounter God in a new way? Want to discover the unique ways God speaks to you? Find out how Hearing the Voice of God 365, our online prophetic activation school, will help you “learn to discern,” grow in your gifts and launch your life calling. With no tests, no required reading and no book reports! Test Drive it for free for 14 days.

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Tina
    • April 22, 2020

    Yesterday in my prayer time. God told me that the Wind of change was coming. While looking for the scripture to support and read, I found this andis it is answering questions that i have prayed unto God during prayer.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 22, 2020

      Awesome Tina!

    • Temi
    • March 30, 2020

    Hi Doug, I know you wrote this in 2017. I believe I was led to this site by a word( wind of change)I received while worshipping about 3 days ago. I believe the year you speak of is this year-March 2020. The Corona virus pandemic is here. It took over globally in March and we pray will blow over by May. It seems like the timing you’ve mentioned in your article. You said it won’t be evident in March but by May. It could seem like dark times for some, but your message is confirmation not to worry and to see these times as the time for the wind of change. I’m not sure if you’ve linked your 2017 prophecy to what’s happening right now. Thank you for being a vessel of His word.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 31, 2020

      Thanks for sharing Temi! I love that you mentioned that! How cool! Blessings!

  1. Reply

    Recounting the dreams…WInd of Change…This reminds me of a few years ago I was graced to see myself, and hear come out of my own mouth from within, from Holy Spirit, the answer to the question that was being asked of me while this man held up to me a dead white bird, with blackened wing…”How do you see yourself?” My self-image and identity had been under severe attack up to that time, and as my lips began to move, I noticed the head of that bird shifted, like a hologram, and I perceived that whatever “I” said, that is what would BE. And before I could even think (not really thinking anything, more wondering than anything) from within my being and out of my mouth with such a great force, came “I AM A MIGHTY WARRING ANGEL!” GLORY BE TO GOD! Thank You Abbam for MANIFESTING Your finished work of Jesus! In that same dream/vision, I was then led from that moment on, not according to my head understanding but an inner guidance, and as I went about, I was led to BLOW OVER PEOPLE experiencing physical harm from another. Throughout these years, I have responded to things I see or perceive by BLOWING over them. In my dream, both the victim and assailants were astonished and looked at me and they were freed from the attack and perpetrated assignment. Humoristically, almost as if Superman blew over them :o) Father, we thank You that the dreams and visions, what we have seen and heard, are seeing and hearing You are manifesting to Your Glory, to the good of Your people and the increase and advancement of Your Kingdom! Thank You for “making us” co-laborers in Christ Jesus’ name and thank You for helping us to see and understand that no matter what we go through, we are going through and will not be burned, drowned, or consumed, only blessed, and more blessed, stronger, wiser, discerning, anointed, vocal/communicative, releasing Your purposes to prevail and counsel to in Christ Jesus’ name! GLORY HALLIJUAH! Thank you for sharing Doug and for releasing this, which in turn, provided me the platform to share this which to me is a confirming Word. We dream and see things yet, not always do they play out exactly as we perceived they would. Nonetheless, His purposes and counsel prevail!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      Awesome Kerry! Thanks so much for sharing. God bless you!

    • Denise Brown
    • February 9, 2018

    As I read and believe that I receive it for confirmation for myself this Febuary 2018 i feel elated in Christ giving praises and glory for my phone and Internet . I know GOD led me here iv never heard of Doug Addison just want to say GOD bless you and your family earthly and kingdom household where we and GOD ARE ONE IN ALL AMEN .

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 11, 2018

      We are so glad you found us Denise! Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words. Bless you!

  2. Pingback: Prophetic Word for May: God is Answering You, But It Might Look Different – Trinity Vineyard Fellowship

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 9, 2017

      Yes! Good quote.

      -Nikki InLight Connection

    • prince
    • March 30, 2017

    This is deep and insightful ..i really see the wind moving powerfully this month. GOD IS REAL AND HIS WORDS ARE THROUGH

    • Reply

      Yes, we agree! Thanks!
      Pam, InLight Connection

    • Anna
    • March 12, 2017

    Thank you very much for this Word. We are literally experiencing in the natural the manifestation of this word here in Cape Town. Today the 40th Cape Town Argus Cycling Tour has been cancelled due to winds of 100 km/h and the Hout Bay informal settlement fires.
    1Co 15:46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual.
    So, we’re eagerly awaiting for the Spiritual Wind of change and the release of His Glory Fire here in the Mother City!!Remain Blessed

    • Evelyn
    • March 8, 2017

    I pray and believe this to be true! I am in dire need and have been sowing seeds in faith for a financial breakthrough of large proportion. Everyday I’m expecting… praying each day is the day mt miracle manifests in my life. Thank you for this word. God bless.

    • Andrew marc
    • March 8, 2017

    A word fitly spoken like apples of gold and settings of silver!!! I come into agreement with this prophetic word. From the pit to the palace overnight… governor over all the land. Promotion neither comes from the north or the south east but promotion comes from The Lord. I stand in faith and agreement with my brothers and sisters in the body for Christ for deliverance, breakthrough and divine provision for EVERY part of our lives spirit soul and body in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    • Deven Cavalier
    • March 7, 2017

    The Lord has been speaking “March” to me since he end of 2016. What I have been feeling is for this time is what you have said. I have been declaring it not only in our own life but for The Body of Christ. Thank you for sharing. This encouragement is why the Church should not neglect to gather together.
    Dr. Deven Cavalier

    • Andrea H.
    • March 7, 2017

    SO good! So exciting!

    • Myra Walker
    • March 7, 2017

    I would like to see this on my email

    • Pastor Sereili Walter
    • March 7, 2017

    Praise Gos

    • Lisa wilsie
    • March 7, 2017

    I heard in a dream last night that something was going to take place on the 17th of this month 17 is the number of angelic visitation and Victory Yahoo

    • Louis Mendoza
    • March 7, 2017


  3. Reply

    Thank you Doug for this word. My youngest child Eleanor just turned 5 in December. She has alsays been very spiritual. Talking about Jesus, praying for the sick. She also sys what we call “creepy” things. (bad mom I know) Once as we drove home she asked if the evil king was still here. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. I said do you think there is an evil king here? She was 4 at the time. She said yes and wanted to pray when we got home. So we did and she felt better. About 4-5 weeks ago just out of the blue she told me that there was an angel called The Wind. I must have looked puzzled becauze she said “that is his name, The Wind.” She then told me that he was Gods most powerful angel. I just shrugged it off at the time…until I read this. I believe God was preparing our family for this word, and for what is coming. Thank you again Doug for letting God use you to minister to His people.

    • Louis Mathieu
    • March 7, 2017

    Thanks Doug for encouraging us with this article which clearly depicts that we are in that season of breakthrough! Now is the time of sudden breakthrough and in my heart I believe it to be so! But I do struggle, and I am sure many other believers do so as well, with the fact that I have heard this before and yet the breakthrough never seems to come. Don’t get me wrong I do believe your prophetic word to be true and I want it to come too pass but some believers have been waiting for so long for any kind of breakthrough, which does not seem to manifest. I am just being honest with what I feel. Let’s pray for the believers who are struggling with this issue! Let’s pray that God takes away our unbelief as this has been a long journey! Thanks again for the blessing that you are to us! Be blessed beyond measure.

      • Paul
      • March 8, 2017

      I have felt that way too I do believe it is the enemy planting seeds of doubt. God is good and faithful and his words still stand the test of time.

    • Donna Cookson
    • March 7, 2017

    I am interested in the online school. Please send info.

    • Elizabeth Turner
    • March 7, 2017

    I’ve signed up multiple times for the Daily Prophetic Word. I get the email daily but all it leads to is to sign up for the Daily Prophetic Word. I’ve notified you several times thinking it was an appendage never removed. How do I access the material without going to FB which requires Internet as opposed to Verizon?

    • Gina Veltikold
    • March 7, 2017

    I am so longing for this! Have been praying many years as an Intercessor for my church and city. My lifeline has been the prophetic gatherings and leaders as I our city has very denominational type churches and leaders! Defineltly has to be Holy Spirit Power Lef Winds of Change to blow out the religious spirit and leviathan and Jezebel! We have experienced move if Hoky Spirit more than once and then these 3 influences have brought destruction!

  4. Reply

    Thank you for your continued Words from the Lord. I believe what you are saying is true and I had an encounter with the Lord yesterday regarding the ‘wind’ you speak of. I was discouraged. Seeing so much selfishness and evil around and then relentless attacks from the enemy. I could not understand why God wasn’t answering more definitely and more clearly although He speaks to me always. I went to a walking trail and I stopped at a certain point on a bench. God spoke to me. He said so much and intermittently as He declared a Word, a strong wind would come out of nowhere. This happened three times. I knew it was God and I got a confirmation and strong revelation from the experience. I was encouraged. I was strengthened and renewed. And then I read your March prophecy about the wind this morning. Confirmation again! Praise the Lord. I am so excited for what He is doing and what He will do. I so want to participate in this great revival coming. I receive and believe your prophecies and I thank you for allowing God to use you. He is speaking through you and others at this time and those who are awake are hearing clearly. Praise God!

    • Frances Gardnet
    • March 7, 2017

    Praise God! I am one of the ” injured reserve”. This message gives me great hope ! I’ve pursued the Glory passionately since 1972! Recently I fell. X-ray: nothing broken ! Revealed: infusion in left lung. Great pain for a week. Lung healed! Excited again! Greatly needed this word! Our ” Triumphant Reserve” group started in mid 80’s in my home is excitedly awaiting this change !!!!

  5. Reply

    I have been married twice in the past 27 years. First was 17 years. Second 10 years. Both had the same multiple problems. She left me for another again. Same as the first did. On Sunday March 5th. 2017. I’m alone. Seeking God. Yes I’m scared. I can’t physically work need healing very bad. I have dreams and visions all the time. Please pray for them all as I will. My kids don’t come around. My oldest son is in prison. My second son is a correction officer. My daughter works in a pharmacy. Pray the Lord remembers me. I have made so many mistakes. Hope you or someone will respond. I had meet. The late Bob Jones. Sat under his ministry. For a time. It hurts. I am struggling. Please help!
    Gadsden, Alabama

    • Reply

      Donnie I just want to encourage you. Our God NEVER forgets His children. If you have not already, then please pray and Repent of any sins that may still be hanging out there. Jesus will hear and forgive. Repentance is a gift that God gave us but also a gift that many don’t teach any more. It’s very important. I came to Jesus late in my life with many sins in my past and was blessedly taught by wonderful people. Once you’ve done that go to Him with gratitude and joy in you heart. Build up your faith and ask for your healing – often. Blessings to you and I am praying for you now.

      • Talibah
      • March 9, 2017

      May the Lord GOD bless you with healing, favor, and family. This will happen according to your faith. Believe on the promises of GOD, ask in the Name of Jesus, have patience while you wait, and SEE your blessings before they come.

      Do something for someone else everyday (an encouraging word, a smile, or whatever message is put on your heart. Be blessed and be a blessing.

    • Dorcas Stalling
    • March 7, 2017

    Glory to GOD!!!

      • Toni
      • March 9, 2017

      Donnie, you are in my prayers. Know that God’s grace is with you as well.

      • Diane Sarber
      • March 8, 2017

      Continue to trust God. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you, like Doug has instructed, what the enemy does not want you to know. And ask God to give you understanding on your dreams and visions. Just NEVER give up. Believe and receive that all will get better. You have the victory but you may have to persevere through the battle. Press on!!

    • fiona
    • March 7, 2017

    This will be so awesome as here in Port Elizabeth South Africa been so very very dark! So very evil, so very difficult beyond our strength and at times felt beyond our faith too! Been to hell and back! And this on earth! We really need, truly need God to come through for us now … As we have been homeless, and all that goes with it! Please keep us in your prayers! Thank you, very encouraging word!

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