Prophetic Insight for 2011 – Doug Addison

December 31, 2010
Doug Addison
Prophetic Insight for 2011

In one word, 2011 will be strategic. We will begin moving into more clarity about our destinies as God has been shifting our assignments. Similar to 2010, we will see a major increase and thrust in March of 2011 at the beginning of Spring. During April our time of waiting will be turned into a time of action. New life will come in June and by September of 2011 things that many have longed for will take more shape. We are heading into a strategic time as God is sending out invitations to go deeper and experience more of Him. This will require that we streamline and be flexible. What we do this year will set the pace for the next several years. We must find our uniqueness as individuals, ministries/churches, and businesses. We will need to go beyond the things that we are good at doing and focus on what we do the best.

The Internet is going to play a greater role in 2011. God is opening up the new “Gates” and is using the Internet to reach the world with radical love. At the same time there will be an increase in Internet terrorism to try to scare people from using the internet to impact the world for good. We will need to develop a global Kingdom mindset so that we impact the world without having to travel.

New sounds and music from Heaven are taking form. There was an anointing on a particular rock group from the 1960s that was intended to be used by God. It was used instead to bring Eastern religion into the US. This anointing has now shifted and is available right now to a new music movement that will appear strange and even irreverent to the previous generation.

End times marriages will increase. God is strategically bringing together individuals, churches, and businesses for the purposes of the Kingdom. As these marriages come together there will be new synergy that will be released to bring about amazing things and catapult us into our destiny.

The Watch of the Lord will be reinstated (Ezekiel 22:30). A new level of intercession is happening right now. Specific targeted intercession groups will form that will reveal strategies from Heaven. There will be Prophetic Intercession Groups that will be networked in the Spirit. Many of these groups are already in place and like sleeper cells, God will begin to activate these groups at the right time to prevent some major terrorist attacks and save people from disaster. Prophetic intercession will be a key this year.

A new strategy for business. There will be the forming of unusual communities through work and business. God is releasing a new level of creativity to earn money this year. In the midst of downturn and negative economic reports, there will also be some of the greatest abilities to make money.

Pray for President Obama. God is going to speak to President Obama this year. There is a new level of wisdom to handle world affairs that will be released to him. We need to pray for godly counsel around him as he begins getting revelation through dreams and words from God. We also need to continue to pray against any assassination attempts on our President. It is not God’s will for him to die in office but instead to be part of shaking the US awake.

Overall we can anticipate some very exciting and challenging times ahead. God’s destiny and purposes for our lives must become our only reality. This will be a key principle for us so we that we will not be shaken when things start to shake.

Blessings for 2011 from Inlight Connection and Doug Addison.

Bio: Doug Addison is a prominent international conference speaker, author and has been a featured guest on television and radio for a number of years. His events are fun and high-energy as he uses media and stand-up comedy as a means of communicating deep insights. He is an experienced prophetic dream interpreter, and a professional stand-up comedian. Visit for more information.

Writing and dream journal software

Doug Addison

Doug Addison is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his Daily Prophetic Words and Spirit Connection podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

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  1. Reply

    Hi Doug, Your words are very refreshing. So good to hear someone say encouraging words about our President, it is Biblical to pray for him. I’ve felt he will be used of God when he has a better understanding. I wrote a book entitled Angel in the Attic. It is a Christian fiction novel. Would you please say a prayer that it will do well. God bless you in all you do. Do you send emails out?

      • Doug Addison
      • July 14, 2011


      May God richly bless your book to touch the lives of millions of people! Yes I have a monthly e-update you can sign up for

  2. Reply

    Doug, This is spot on. We have had prophetic inklings about March as well. I cannot begin to tell you how confirming this is on many levels! Thank you for putting this word out to grant clarity on what’s happening.

    • Dennis
    • January 6, 2011

    Hi Doug,
    This is encouraging -thank you! Also, was on Amazon looking at books and noted that President Obama had written a book “Dreams of My Father.” Very interesting especially concerning what you wrote. blessings!Dennis

    • Renee
    • January 3, 2011

    Hi Doug, Thank you for the great word for 2011~
    On another note… I just finished reading an article about dead birds falling from the sky in a small town in Arkansas, and also a day later, dead fish washing up shore on the Arkansas River just a few days ago. I know you get revelation about these sorts of things and was wondering what your thoughts might be on this. I know, it could be just a natural occurance but it seems rather strange that this would happen within a day of each other, and in Arkansas. We are talking a thousand fish or birds (you can look it up in the msn article)…blessings , Renee

      • Doug Addison
      • January 3, 2011

      @ Renee – not sure exactly but sounds like something toxic is going to be revealed in Arkansas. Birds and fish can represent masses of people so there might be something that is negatively affecting people’s destinies.

    • Sofia Sullivan
    • January 1, 2011

    Always great insight from the Lord. I too love the part about New Sounds and Music from Heaven. That is the vision that God has given my husband and me for Albuquerque. Be blessed abundantly Doug!

  3. Reply

    awesome!!! Especially “New Sounds & Music From Heaven” and ” A New Strategy for Business”!!!
    Bring it Lord!!

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