Is a New Major Revival and Move of God Coming in 2016?

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Why I Believe a New Major Revival and Move of God Is Coming in 2016

Doug Addison

Several years ago God spoke to me about the timing of the major moves of God happening in North America every 11 years:

1994 – Toronto Blessing
1983 – Third Wave Charismatic Movement
1972 – The Jesus People Movement

When you do the math and go back every 11 years from 1994, it also falls on the Healing Movement of 1950, and even back to the Azusa Street Revival in 1906.

God spoke to me that there would be a major move in 2005, but it never happened.
In 2005, instead of a revival we went into an 11-year wilderness time.

Then in September 2009, I had an encounter that explained why. (See below.)

Now we are approaching 2016, which is 11 years after 2005. This is our time to get ready for something big to come. Hope you can catch the prophetic significance of this like I have. Let’s get ready together!

This is the blog post I wrote back in 2009 describing the encounter I had exactly 6 years ago:

The last move of God was the wilderness!

On September 8, 2009, I had a night vision in which I was taken to an aerial view of various parts of the world. I was shown vast landscapes of lush grasslands that were teeming with new life. I could see exotic plants and trees and I knew in my spirit that what I was seeing was a new move from God that had come upon the Earth to bring about a radical revival.

Suddenly, a massive wave of destruction came upon the greenery. The whole scene was consumed, and only a barren wasteland was left in its place. I watched in shock and felt disappointed and distressed at what I had witnessed.

Then the audible voice of God spoke to me in the vision and said, “I released something new from Heaven, but my people were not ready for it, so I had to bring a wilderness time to purge things that were not of me.”

As I woke from the experience, a very strong presence of God was in my bedroom. The Holy Spirit spoke to me that God planned the start of something new in 2005 that would bring about a new level of anointing. This new level was intended to awaken a new revival. But because we were not ready for it, He changed it into a wilderness time instead. From 2005–2009 many people struggled through a major time of purging, testing, and realignment. Wilderness experiences from God are necessary in order to refine and prepare us.

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope … ” Hosea 2:14-15 NIV

God released many promises to the Church in 2005. Some promises have been delayed and are now being released.

Our ministry was located in Los Angeles around that time. We were gathering the resources and people to start a training and outreach center near Hollywood. We had been given a sizable grant to support the work when in 2005 it was as though every door closed for us. We eventually gave the grant back and moved to Moravian Falls, North Carolina. We were literally placed in the wilderness, we lived in the woods of North Carolina; we experienced a very difficult time for three years, including a very limited amount of influence and favor. Then in 2009, we were suddenly sent back to the West Coast to start a training center—this time in Santa Maria, California.

We are now in a time of realignment and restarting. Many prophetic words and promises got sidetracked or delayed, and some are now void because of the sudden switch in the spirit. If you have gone through difficult and unclear times over the past few years, this may very well be the reason why. Had God allowed the new movement to come in 2005, in the condition we were in, it might have destroyed us. We have seen several examples of that over the past couple of years, as many leaders fell away from their callings or were entangled in sin.

A time of awakening
Throughout the month of September, I kept hearing a line from a song on the radio, “Wake me up when September ends.” This is very much like the call going out from God right now—He will be waking many of his people up in the month of October.

This is the time to press in to God and ask Him for more clarity. We will all see some type of answered prayer during this month. You will need to watch for it. Those who are not paying attention may miss this fresh time of God’s visitation. God is visiting our situations, our families, jobs, relationships, and ministries and a trumpet blast is going out to call people to awaken!

We will see some strange events in the months to come and a massive amount of sudden changes and turnarounds. If we stay centered on God, we will not be shaken.

Check for yourself—think back and look at the year 2005, and see if anything unusual happened. Were you going one direction when things switched and seemed to dry up?

As I have asked people this question, I am hearing story after story of how God had either made a promise that did not seem to work out, or some even saw a new move of God start that suddenly got cut off.

This is what I believe God is saying, “Just as suddenly as things changed and were cut off in 2005, I am now renewing and reviving situations—suddenly! I am parting the Red Sea once again and making the impossible possible. Watch Me and give Me glory as your life and ministry are restored and renewed in this very hour.”

Prayer: “God, awaken us to what you are doing in our lives right now. Give us eyes to see and ears that can hear what you are doing. Amen.”

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Doug Addison

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast, and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerfully, positively funny style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.


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    • B
    • March 29, 2017

    Love the idea of revival, but always nervous of being prescriptive of dates. As it’s now 2017, this clearly hasn’t happened so…

    • Reply

      We agree. Doug doesn’t like to post dates because many things can change in the world. But pockets of revival fires did start in 2016 and they are growing as people lay down their agendas & expectations and let God be God. It is an exciting time to follow the Holy Spirit and watch what he is doing to bring the love of Jesus to people everywhere, especially through the internet.
      Blessing you, Pam, InLight Connection

    • LG
    • November 9, 2016

    Could this election start the wind of change? The wind of revival?

    • kevin
    • October 8, 2016

    Accept Jesus love joy peace,

    • kevin
    • October 8, 2016

    oh yes the word peace also,

    • kevin
    • October 8, 2016

    i am making yard signs of 100 each that say accept jesus love peace. these will be green background with red letters and holly leaves bottom left with three berrys. I am going to cover my town starting after thanksgiving. I am praying about locations now!! I can get this done forabout 200 bucks on ebay. who is joining me???? the wind is blowing will you be part of his wave??

    • Kyankaaga Rodney
    • September 15, 2016

    Honestly,there is something i have been experiencing in my life over a couple of years…something of big spiritual significance.Unfortunately I can’t just figure it out.

    • Emily
    • April 27, 2016

    Well, I can attest- it’s happening. I have had many people around me asking for rest..and peace and the need to let go of our “doing for God” and letting God do for us…I know this is all giving room for the Spirit to lead- and He’s so good! September 2015 I had come to the end of my rope- and that’s when it all started in me, a fresh new work of God. I was asking for an encounter with Jesus- I was giving up all the things I had been told He was and believed Him to be (a mixture of grace and law) – and have come to know Him, not by another’s mouth or experience but from my own personal experience. An encounter- and more and more revelations of His love each and every day. I googled today “revival happening today” and came across this- I am so encouraged and hope this encourages you! Also everything you said about the wilderness period- YES! I have been hearing me speak so much about that- and how after a period of wilderness there is always a NEW LIFE that comes forth. Amazing. So excited, many lost will be found in Him! <3

    • conrad
    • February 26, 2016

    This is time for a great awakening, move of the Spirit of God We are in the days of the end time move of God which will shake every tribe and nation.

    • brentnz
    • December 29, 2015

    2005 came and went for me i was just a nominal christian living a sad pathetic defeated christian the last 4 or so years God called me back and brought me to a place of brokeness.This is important as in the next move which i believe is next year.He is only going to use people with clean hands and pure hearts.If you know your weak but in Christ he is your strength and if you know that you are more than a conquerer because you are experiencing that sin or pride is not an issue in your life then get ready for an exciting year.If you are struggling with sin and pride repent and cry out to God to get you ready otherwise you will be left behind God cant use you for what is about to happen this is urgent and important dont let the enemy rob or lie to you anymore its time to believe what the word says we need to walk by faith.We have been asleep its time to wake up and stand up the battle is about to rage we need to be ready.If we do our part God will do his the victory is ours in Christ brentnz

      • doug martenson
      • December 31, 2015

      I am doug to I am prophetic all so . but the wilderness has been to much. I can’t see past it sometimes. Calling yes . will I make it. ??

  1. Reply

    Had almost the same vusion around almost the same time and have been praying about it over the years. Very interessting!

  2. Reply

    ️Wow! So timely & so right on…my spirit soared as I read & pondered this word re:2005…The story is too long, but in a nutshell I felt God said to expand the ministry I was involved in, but things dried up~doors shut~secular work to survive~almost fatal heart attack last day of 2005… And have been struggling ever since… Pockets of ministry here and there (written 3 books~1 endorsed by Pastor Jack Hayford…. But little success..My heart is rejoicing as the words of this prophesy have brought comfort, joy and new vision…!!!
    Reduced to Love….!!

    • Reply

      Oh Doug , i just recalled that something did happen that was huge in 2005 the ability for we Christians, any Christian, to broadcast himself…on youtube. You said that God spoke of a revival… in 2005 and it didnt happen…i believe something huge did happen for Christians…an open door. We were a family a community of believers that got to preach to the world! Limited to just online, yes, but it was something if a phenomenon…an open door, and another way to get his Word out. So even though it wasnt the level that you may have wanted yo see…it was huge in my life at the time right after both my knees were generally out of comission, and thrawted by the enemy, but God opened a door to another way to preach the gospel. Peace.

    • Hwakyoung Ko
    • September 7, 2015

    Thanks for sharing this.
    Yes. For me, since 2005 I passed through a lot of things until now. I can not say that there were no grace from God through this time, but I have been always struggling with something bad through this time.
    Thanks so much for sharing this. And looking forward to seeing what God’s plan is.

  3. Reply

    Thank you for this word, Doug. It helps me understand the past ten years. Good to know I am not alone. Blessings!

    • Patti Overton
    • September 4, 2015

    I have lost so much starting April 2005, when my former husband the father of my children committed suicide. The last 10 years have been very hard. I did remarry knowing this is the husband God had for me. I find myself fighting for this marriage. God has said on numerous occasions “There will be no divorce.” I am believing God for all the promises he has given.

    • mae
    • September 4, 2015

    Oh yes, 2005 was an abrupt adjustment to a exciting new job, but turned out to be with an oppressive boss. Marriage has been in wilderness since then as well. Hallelujah to the things to come!!!!!

    • Lisa
    • September 4, 2015


    • Lisa
    • September 4, 2015

    Yes, 2005 horrinlble time in my life I lost everything that year. Marriage and church family. I was involved in a phrophetic group and I was basically ostracized from everyone. Thank you for the word about love and forgiveness❤. In my heart it still hurts because of the love we had as a church family, but I see how His used the situation to make me stronger.
    A couple of weeks back when Azuse CA was on fire. I wondreed if God was saying ” Get ready, because revival is coming”. Enjoyed your word so much?

      • Lisa
      • September 4, 2015

      God….not His

    • marte blackmon
    • September 4, 2015

    I have a teaching, prophetic news latter that
    I put out everyweek. On Aug. 31st. I wrote to
    my people, that in September they will hear
    the train to the place where their track them.
    9 being the fruits of the Spirit, I felt that last
    month was the time that their fruit was beginning to ripen on their trees, and that by
    the end of this month it would be fully ripe
    and ready to go to those who hunger
    for it.I have also been teaching on those who are “the remnant, who have been willing to go their readiness, and be the first ones to be like spiritual marines, to hit the
    beach head, and make a way for many to
    will die spiritually and/or naturally, if they don’t get there on time.
    I still believe this is true

    .Thank you for your ministry, Doug.

      • Victoria
      • September 5, 2015

      Hi Marte,
      Where can I view this prophetic news letter your talking about here. is sounds similar to my dreams I have been having

    • Beth O.
    • September 3, 2015

    I agree totally Doug! In 2005 my son (prophesied in 1995) was born. In 2006 he died. In 2007 my husband (pastor) left the marriage. In 2009 I started my new career in education. I lost so much, but God hasn’t let me go. He still promises me more through dreams all the time. Just waiting on His timing as I raise my daughter and stay faithful to Him.

  4. Reply

    Doug, how affirming it is to hear the interpretation of your vision that we would have been unprepared and taken instead to the desert. I feel so blessed to be among those whose lives fell apart around 2005…yes I lost everything and had to start over…but I am slowly digging out and can feel a definite shift. I’ve been sensing for awhile that we need to be preparing for the many who are lost who are soon to be found.

    • Kimberly
    • September 3, 2015

    So blessed by you and your ministry,God is using you mightily,wow.

    • Esther Sullivan
    • September 3, 2015

    Thank you for this word. It’s very true to me and now I understand what has been happening. In 2005 I relocated from Africa to United Kingdom with great prophetic words from the Lord. I had dreams and visions of supernatural provision but none of them happened. I have been in a dry wilderness these past 10 years.
    Beginning last month I began to remember the prophetic promises and found myself praying for another chance if I had missed His visitation. I’m still praying on this.
    May the Lord align me to receive His visitation.

  5. Reply

    Hi Doug, this word is encouraging. In 2003 I was struck down and damaged both of my knees. I fell into depression cause I had to use a wheelchair, crutches and then a cane to go anywhere. I chose to do natural healing with physical therapy and water therapy. ..i asked God where were you. I remember that day I fell I was on my way to do worship dance project with two other novice dance worshippers. I carried two raw eggs in my hand to cook, as I walked with the girls to the practice…a force knocked me over. Suddenly I was being prayed for by a passerby that said he happened to be driving by and saw my fall…he was fasting and praying and just left the meeting. He said he saw , from his car, that I was literally pushed down by an invisible force… I agreed I felt totally uncontrolled in my muscles and suddenly found my self falling full force on my two knees. He was so kind and powerful as he prayed rebuking the injury. Oddly enough, and I don’t know what this means…but the two raw eggs I was carrying were unbroken! Since then I felt overwhelmingly unprotected and frightened to go out and participate in any church. I withdrew and just ministered on line…from 2005 till now. I did finish a music 2011…it took that long…but never performed any of the songs in public…I felt unprotected to go out in public. It was also a time that I heard whispers of people talking behind my back, and more obvious betrayals and I lost some dear friends that believed these wolves in sheeps clothing. Its been a time of heartbreak and well as kneebrake. I have prayed for my hearts wounds to be healed not just my knees and prayed for the truth to be revealed. I have been feeling God’s presence more and more…and a deep stirring of late and it seems a stearn warning for my life…personally to come up higher and get my hands back on the plough. I am stepping out in faith too. I feel something new is coming. And its never just for me…usually the stirring is none other that the Holy Spirit…and this new pressing forward movement is usually a corporate call. thanks, glad you are better.

    • Denise
    • September 3, 2015

    Thanks Doug! Yes, yes, yes. Lots of wilderness for this girl since 2005. Lost everything! My Pastor husband left, lost home, church, friends, and lots more. I appreciate your words and prophetic insight. I feel more charged lately, then I have been in a long time. I believe the shift is starting for me. I will stay alert! Thanks always! Blessings to you and yours! I am so thankful and thrilled about your healing!!

    • Linda T.
    • September 3, 2015

    Thank you Doug for your faithfulness and sharing this encouraging word. God bless you abundantly!

    • Joan
    • September 3, 2015

    Thanks for sharing this word, now I understand why the last 11 years was so hard. Expecting great things from now on!!

    • Hollie
    • September 3, 2015

    Both my husband and I keep have dreams about a move of God of various sizes. Some have been specifically about our ministry the others personally and it appears for others as well. We are in a situation that God is our only hope! And we are so bold to believe double for our trouble. Thank you for the words of encouragement to continue standing and believing for what man says is impossible! Thank God with Jesus ALL things are possible!

  6. Reply

    I dreamed just last night that I entered a airplane and it had seats in the waiting area I was directed by a flight attendant to the right side of the wing where I was to be seated. I then went to the airplane cockpit and the pilot took off the take off was smooth and easy and I wasn’t afraid I noticed a helicopter and I was afraid that it would crash into us but he didn’t. When we landed I knew we were in Ireland . I believe this dream was telling of the new move of God that is coming. Whoever heard of seats in the wing of a plane? There is much more of the dream but my space is limited I do believe that the next move of God is the prophetic.

    • Ellen Chinzi
    • September 3, 2015

    Thank you Doug for this timely prophetic word. I stand in agreement with this word. The Lord is about to pour out His Spirit like we have never known. This has been stirring in the hearts and spirits of believers around the globe. He has been preparing us, His church for the on-slot of people who will be coming to the body of Christ for help, wanting what we have. This could not happen if we weren’t prepared. God bless you and keep you my brother in all you put your hand to do.

    • Suzanne Carson
    • September 3, 2015

    Thank you, Doug! Indeed, this explains everything since 2005. Everything had dried up around me. Moved to new location and was very disappointed and confused. Launching did not take place as HS had previously shown me would take place. Have been blessed by your ministry! Rejoicing with you over your healing. Blessings, SMC

    • Deloris Cole
    • September 3, 2015

    I can remember 2005. I was grieving for the loss of the first person I ever opened my heart to love in August of 2004. Nobody came to walk with me. Nobody told me how to grieve.

    I thought that because I didn’t handle her death that I had let God down and He could no longer use me or even want me.

    He was my first love and some how the death of my friend was connected to that. The funny thing was was that I had built my love for Him on top of the foundation of lies that I had believed in.

    The Bible is true that when you build your house on sand that it will collapse. I have walked through 10 deaths in my life this past year and I’m pleased to say that this time the house stood strong.

  7. Reply

    Thanks so much Doug for your daily words.
    2005 was a major change time for us – a lot of things happening with many prophetic promises and encouragements ????

    • Alma Youmans
    • September 3, 2015

    Excited with anticipation!!!!!

    • Claudia Nober
    • September 3, 2015

    Hi Doug,
    Those word really apply to me. In 2005 I lost everything I went to Israel and left my sister in charge of my money and when I returned back I realized that she spent all my money and sold my properties, my jewelry and car. After that my parents( they are pastors) and I needed to live a very simple life but in 2009 I was able to buy 3 houses including one for my parents and one car. Also, in 2009 I married my messianic Jewish man after 11 years of being a widow .
    I’m so excited for 2016.

    • Nancie Orsini
    • September 3, 2015

    Thank you!

    • Melanie
    • September 3, 2015

    This makes total sense. I had this experience . I went through a time of major wilderness at this same time. God has been leading me on a journey. God give me eyes to see and ears to hear. Stay alert ! It is going to be great!

    • Carol Budge
    • September 3, 2015

    About that time we were sent out to pastor a church whose pastor was leaving. By 2008 it all dried up and we had to close it down. At the same time I became ill and have been battling illness since. God has promised healing so I stand on His promise. It has been a tough season but also the richest because of the Lord’s goodness. I been having some amazing dreams that breakthrough is for now. One dream was, I was hanging on a rope what looked like the grand cannon. I was swinging around the huge rock face taking huge leaps from rock to rock. Then I started to climb up. I looked up and saw there was a very large angel holding the rope. His wings were massive, glory all around. He was pulling me up. Then I woke up.

    • Rosemarie Duncan
    • September 3, 2015

    FINALLY, and explanation for all the ‘bad’ years for our family has been going through. In late October of 2004 (in fact it was Halloween night) it started and continues to now. Since last summer, I too have seen numbers on clocks, computers, an old TV show, car dashboard etc.etc. like 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55. Lots of times ending in :33 over and over and over… Thank you Doug for all your steadfastness. So many of us depend on you for so much. You are indeed a blessing. Thank so much for the words of God.

  8. Reply

    Thank you for this very encouraging word. I was part of the wilderness during those years you mentioned. Mine started in 2006. I finally feel like I’m coming out of the wilderness. Again, thank you.

      • Charity
      • June 28, 2016

      I too see these numbers, I started seeing them in 2010. I’ll randomly wake up at 3:33, or glance at the clock at 11:11. I’ve seen 4:44 and 5:55 also.

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