What exactly are the Courts of Heaven and how do we interact with them here on Earth?
To answer those questions and many more, I invited my friend Elizabeth Nixon—a practicing lawyer who understands the court system in both the natural AND the supernatural—as my special guest on this Spirit Connection podcast episode.
A renowned attorney, author and speaker, Elizabeth practices law in California and has even gone before the U.S. Supreme Court. She has been featured in Vanity Fair magazine and was awarded Business Woman of the Year.
Wanting to provide more than just good legal advice, Elizabeth now teaches important spiritual principles that transform lives and launch people into their destiny. She wants to encourage people who are pursuing the Lord and who are pursuing their destiny, and give them the ability to step into the supernatural!
Sneak peek: The Courts of Heaven are not just about protocol, but also flowing in the spirit so we can come into our spiritual inheritance. This is a powerful key for you to get freedom, breakthrough, healing, and repayment!
In this episode, you’ll hear answers to these frequent questions:
- What are the Courts of Heaven?
- How do I go there … what do I do?
- How do I learn to operate in these Courts?
- Why is a Heavenly Court procedure necessary?
- Can you take someone to Court if you have a grievance?
- How many Courts are there in Heaven?
- What roles do the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have in Court?
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Is there any scripture for this?
My english second languages so i really wantthem to have scriptures.please help !!!
Yes there is Deborah! Here is the link. It is usually posted the day after the podcast. Bless you!
ㅠㅠ thank you so much with all my heart!!
You’re welcome <3
This is so powerful. I have to shift my thinking so much. I have a bigger perspective especially in dealing with people that trouble me. I am shifting my perspective to God’s. I am thankful. I have replayed this three times. There is so much to receive. I want to know more about the different courts of heaven.
Wow, I love that Millicent! That is so cool. I love what a student you are. Bless you and I pray everything you need to take away from the podcasts sticks in your spirit.
Hi Doug, I listen regularly to your podcasts and have purchased your books. I am a Believer who happens to be a tax and corporate lawyer in the Philippines. I got so excited and encouraged as I was listening to this podcast, as I have been asking God to make sense out of the profession He has allowed me to be in. I wonder if it’s possible to get in touch with Elizabeth? Thank you so much! God bless you! – Lorybeth
Hello Lorybeth, Elizabeth has a website, http://www.whitequillmedia.com/. Bless you and your journey in the Philippines. What a cool place to be a lawyer in.
Really Great teaching by Elizabeth Nixon and the Courts of Heaven. I always wondered what Galatians meant and how the Tutor and coming to maturity referred to.
Thank you Doug for having on your broadcast!
Awesome Sharon! I’m so glad you enjoyed the podcast. The podcast provided me with new answers to questions as well. Love when that happens! 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing! So powerful and has brought a sigh of relief. I need a heavenly perspective. My boyfriend and I broke up about 6 weeks ago. I felt that it wasn’t right that we were living together, along with other issues. He threatened that I would have to evict him. The spirit of fear came over and I have been unable to rest. We are discussing reconciliation. We both love Christ. Can you provide any wisdom and counsel on how the heavenly courts see these words that were spoken over me and how we can be free of this? I cast them down. They are a stumbling block to our reconciliation.
Hey Jennifer! Are you referring to the words your boyfriend spoke over you that were hurtful? If so, forgive him for saying those words to you. As you discuss getting back together, keep God in the middle of your desires and seek to please Him first. If you have any additional questions you can email me at customerservice@dougaddison.com. Bless you both <3.
I haven’t checked your blog for quite a few months, and this morning your name popped into my spirit. As I opened your blog and saw courtrooms of heaven my eyes about popped out of my head! Our church has begun teaching on this in the past few months so it was great to have confirmation we are moving in the right direction and to hear a new perspective on the teaching! The part about not bringing others to court but settling before instantly reminded me of Matthew 5:25, great revelation & insight. Thank you for sharing this teaching!!
I love that RG! That is awesome your church is teaching on that. I haven’t heard it taught in a church yet, only through books and podcasts, so that is really exciting. Bless you and your church as you guys dive deeper into heavenly things.
So incredible. Thankyou.
This answers my prayer.
Bless you
Yay! That is wonderful. Bless you Liesel! May many more of your prayers be answered.
Thank you, Doug, for this podcast on the courts of heaven! The legal insight and the clear teaching by Elizabeth were both excellent! I hope to get over to her website and learn some more!
God bless you both of you!!!!
Awesome Valerie. We’re so glad you enjoyed it. Bless you as you continue to learn more about the Courts of Heaven.
The first teaching on the subject that I have really understood,based in grace and Father’s love!Thankyou so much for listening to God for us about this Elizabeth.Now I will be able to apply it.Bless you hugely.
Awesome Kathy. I felt like this was such a good teaching that made is easy to understand as well. Blessing you as you apply the Courts of Heaven in your prayer life.
Wow! So powerful! So much wisdom and understand Ing of the courts of heaven … great insight! I need to listen to this over and over!
I’m glad you enjoyed it Catherine. Listening a few times does help to soak it in your mind and spirit. Bless you!
Seeing a transcript option made me SO happy & brought me to tears!! I struggle to hear video & podcasts. Thank you Doug!!
Aw, you’re so welcome Heidi. You are a blessing.
This is so timely.. I’m on call for jury duty.. haven’t had to report yet but I’m sure that I have to listen to this!!! Wow!!!
Yes, it is so good, especially when your about to deal with real life court. Bless you and your time at jury duty, I know it can be not the best thing to do but God will be with you during it. <3
The book of Job has courtroom activity. There are many scripture references regarding courtroom activity. There is courtroom terminology used in bible, such as witness, judgement. As per Robert H: Whenever you see the word Judge in scripture, it indicates judicial activity; this means there is a decision or verdict being rendered regarding a situation, petition or request
I am excited about this revelation.
Cool insight Darlene, thanks for sharing!
Doug…..this is a fabulous interview! and it is ALL in the WORD!!
Thank you SO MUCH….
By the way? she sounds like a “country-person” of mine
ie; an Australian……WOW
Yes Robert! Sound like that to me :). Bless you!
This is truly awesome!! Very enlightening bringing clarity!! Please shed more light on how we approach the Heavenly Court as full sons being led by the HOLY SPIRIT to claim our inheritance?
Hey Yimi! Great question. You can refer to Elizabeths website for more info,http://www.whitequillmedia.com/. Or Doug has a webinar called Encountering Heaven that touches on the courts of Heaven,https://dougaddison.store/product/encountering-heaven-online-workshop/.
So very good! Thank you for sharing. Can’t wait to check out WhiteQuillMedia.com and find out more. Blessings to you, Doug, and to Elizabeth. Thanks, again.
Yay! Have fun checking out all of Elizabeth’s resources. <3
Oh my goodness. This is so good and answered many questions for me. This is one I will listen to again and again. Thank you Doug!
Awesome, I’m so glad you enjoyed it Libby. It is defiantly one worth listening to a few times! Bless you!
Thank you I’m going to listen more and ask the Lord to reveal revelation. Calling forth God’s promises is the courts. Stepping in the courts where I’m secure in Christ is beyond awesome. Amen
Yes! It is so awesome, you are right. Bless you Rosalind!
What I’m hearing Ms Nixon say is the right thing is to let people get away with bad things they do to others. What about Luke 18? How do human parents react when their children come to them having had injustices committed against them?
Doesn’t the devil use people to kill, steal and destroy? What should I do, therefore, when someone chooses to be influenced by the devil against me?
It is always good to have boundaries around those who are hurting you and your children. As we do not seek revenge, we can ask God for wisdom to distant ourselves from someone dangerous. And you are right, the enemy uses people, so our fight is not against human beings. It is against the rulers, the authorities and the powers of this dark world, who are using people to have their way be done. When we know this, we can view people through the lens of love because they do not know that they are under the influence of darkness and we can pray for their eyes to be opened. Bless you Vivian.
Hi! My name is Nathaniel, also know as Judah! How do you feel about the original 12 tribes of Israel heading the Lord’s Kingdom?
Hey Nathaniel! We do not have any resources on that topic at this time. God bless you!
I understand that you cannot take someone to court as you describe. What about going on behalf of someone. So taking my daughter with the purpose of fighting on her behalf?
Yes Estelle! You can go into the Courts of Heaven for your daughter. Doug and Elizabeth talk more about that in the most recent workshop Gateway to your Destiny: Getting Results in the Courts of Heaven, https://dougaddison.store/gateway-to-your-destiny/replay/?utm_source=DA-store&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=Gateway%20to%20Destiny%20Replay. God bless you!
Hu, I need to ask the courts to please consider my status reguardibg death Rowe. The Elizabeth Whitefield end of life options has assisted death options available. I am terminal, the law of one is in violation. I am the only one in my species. The only one with this type of blood and I came in here on a life without for crimes I will never do. K have finished everything that I needed to do. I have the staff from mountain view and Lee memorial here aroubd the clock and I have made the holographic will and stated my rights. There is no way to ever work my destiny snd I have no purpose anymore, Thanks,
Renee Franls
Hey Renee! I am not sure your exact question. Could you please re-word it?
How do you approach or do you approuch God as the Judge, Father or Friend i would like to go to Court Of Heaven for a injustice for i gave a co worker $900 to work on a truck that was in 2015. And they been avoiding me since then…
This other podcast Doug did with Elizabeth Nixon might be helpful for you, https://dougaddison.com/2018/08/how-to-reclaim-whats-yours-in-the-courts-of-heaven-episode-61-doug-addison-with-elizabeth-nixon/. God bless you!
Elizabeth, I really enjoyed your discussion. I believe we still need to confess any sins in order to break any legal right from the enemy. Newborn children also still struggle with sin and to prevent any spiritual bondage or right, it makes sense to confess the sin? The Holy Spirit can help us to overcome sin. Our authority in Christ needs to manifest!
Thanks for listening Willem! God bless you!
Thank you Nikki,
I APPRECIATE your loving kindness and response.
God Is Good;; He proves that every day…
Aw, blessings Viv!
This is toooo goood… Food for soul. Beautiful revelation for my season. Thank you
Bless you!