Adding It Up—What Do Numbers Mean In Dreams?

Bunch of wooden numbers number one on top.

I have done thorough studies of dreams, visions and the symbolism found in the Bible. Once we understand God’s hidden symbolic language, an entirely new world opens up for us. We will not only see messages in the dreams that we have at night, we will also be able to hear God speaking to us in an unlimited number of ways—through television, in the movies, street signs, names and even numbers.

The key to understanding dreams is using a combination of symbolic understanding and the ability to hear God’s voice.


When interpreting dreams, I put less emphasis on the meaning of numbers than I used to do when I first started out. One of the reasons for this is that there are so many conflicting dream symbol meanings for numbers. I believe that God gives us revelation into the meaning of symbols, but we have to be careful that we are not applying them globally to every single dream we have.

Repeating Numbers

My wife and I pay attention to repeating numbers all the time. Eleven can represent transition and when we see it, we know that we are about to transition into an entirely new season of our lives. Maybe you see numbers line up on the clock like 2:22, 3:33, etc. It could be the meaning of the actual number or symbolic that things are about to line up for you. The only way to know for sure is to record it, watch for it and ask God for confirmation.

Although numbers in dreams are important, they are more useful in the application than the interpretation. If you can take out any symbol of the dream and the dream does not change, then it is best not to focus on it.

I have listed some very basic meanings of numbers as a starting point.


  • 1—single
  • 2—double
  • 3—trinity, God
  • 4—creativity, worldwide impact
  • 5—grace
  • 6—man’s efforts
  • 7—completion, perfection
  • 8—new beginnings
  • 9—fruit of the spirit and gifts, judgment
  • 10—rules, law
  • 11—transition
  • 12—leadership, government
  • 13—rebellion
  • 14—establishment
  • 16—high level of grace
  • 18—provision, judgment
  • 21—jackpot
  • 24—leadership, government
  • 50—jubilee, reconciliation, freedom

Take a look at any corresponding Bible verses for numbers you have in your dreams. For example, if you see the number 24 you might want to take a look at several chapter 24’s in the Bible. I recommend doing an Internet search as well. Also, you can find out more about dream interpretation training and books by CLICKING HERE.

Happy dreaming!



Doug Addison

P.S. Do you ever wake up in the morning with the thought of a dream you had just had? Was it something confusing? Perhaps it was something weird. It very well could have been a message from God—and I would like to help you understand what God is telling you through your dreams. I created an in-depth but simple online dream interpretation course. Enroll in the Dream Crash Course today to gain understanding about your dreams!

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author, life coach and stand-up comedian. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His unique style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Doug Addison

<strong>Doug Addison</strong> is the founder and president of InLight Connection. Doug is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is best known for his <em>Daily Prophetic Words</em> and <em>Spirit Connection </em>podcast and blog. Doug’s message of love, hope and acceptance reaches people around the world! His powerful, lighthearted style of teaching and coaching helps open people to discover their spiritual identity and personal destiny as they experience God’s supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where they are impacting the arts and entertainment and media industries.

    • Tiffany Kern
    • February 11, 2022

    I would have started with looking up all the verses “22:19” to see if any of them minister to you!

    • Staci
    • February 11, 2021

    What does “jackpot” mean for the number 21?

  1. Reply

    I had a dream where by my partner shouting it’s number 1 repeating 3 times and again the the other night my partner come into the house in a form light and He was in white garment and told me to go with him and we will do it at night after we come back at 1 o’clock and still be repeated it 3 times. What does this single number mean?

    • Martina
    • April 5, 2020

    I had a dream once and where I think I was in church and I heard the numbers 22 : 19. It might mean something or it might not but that was the first time something like that stood out to me in a dream.

    • Lexi
    • February 10, 2020

    I had a dream about my deceased best friend telling me “next week at 5:11am” after I asked where my missing car was and I don’t even remember her being in the dream until the end.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 10, 2020

      Sorry we do not interpret dreams sent in. Ask God to show you what the dream meant. Blessings!

    • kelley
    • February 7, 2020

    i had a dream of my deceased father and the date may 05 2018
    what would that mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 7, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.

    • Zuki Mankunzi
    • February 7, 2020

    What will 707 235 mean in a dream

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 7, 2020

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.

    • Marci
    • November 26, 2019

    Hi Doug, I have a dream very often of #18 last night I had a dream that I was looking at an apartment but I dint wanted because it was only 18 square feet.what does it mean? Please reply thank you and God bless you

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 3, 2019

      Hey Marci! We do not interpret dreams sent in. Feel free to check out Doug’s resources on dreams here, Bless you!

    • Rina
    • November 12, 2019

    I seen the numbers 607 609 what does it mran

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 14, 2019

      We do not have an interpretation for every number. Ask God to show you! Blessings!

    • Kamal
    • November 4, 2019

    I had dream of 7745 numbers… usually any dream i had… I’ll forget in the morning… but this one came to my mind again and again… searched some passages in the scripture and browsed as well … if you know the meaning or how to understand this let me know

    • sik
    • October 18, 2019

    Last night i dreamed i dialed a number 7 and it was answered by my late boss. He was one of the best bosses I had ever worked with. He died few years ago. He was friendly when he answered my call when my intention was actually to call my sister. Also, it’s my birthday today 🙂

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 18, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Sik! God bless you!

    • Irene
    • October 11, 2019

    I dreamed someone I know said they were making 305 million dollars. What can this number mean? Any help is appreciated

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 14, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.
      Doug also has quite a few blog posts on dreams that you can browse through.
      Bless you!

    • Mimi Lowe
    • September 19, 2019

    what does the number 19 mean? A friend just had a baby this afternoon, born 9/19/2019 at 4:19pm. We know 19 must be very significant. Thank you for your help

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 23, 2019

      Hey Mimi, we encourage you to ask the Lord and search the Bible for where that number is and see if God speaks to you about it. God bless you!

    • deborah offord
    • August 17, 2019

    i had a dream last night can anyone tell me what 8 days 4 hours and 72 seconds mean can any one help

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 19, 2019

      Thanks for sharing bless you!

    • Randi Tafoya
    • August 14, 2019

    Wow! Thanks so much for sharing this post! I recently awoke to a vision of $13,358.00. It was so powerful I couldn’t get out of my mind for days. I don’t know what it means yet but your article helps! I wrote it in my journal.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 15, 2019

      Awesome Randi! What a great vision to have! Bless you!

    • jessi
    • June 30, 2019

    Hello people,
    I hope you are well and great
    I’m researching the Dream interpretation. And I’m going to see your site. Thank you for providing the best interpretater
    Keep up the great work, it’s hard to find good ones. I added to my favorites.
    Thank you very much.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 1, 2019

      Awesome! Bless you, Jessi!

    • Yemima
    • June 8, 2019

    Hi ! I had this dream today, i wonder if you can know what it means… I was in my former office, sitting at my own former desk talking with my former colleague. And then all of a sudden the scene changed to a dining table, and i was with my current job colleague eating with him. after finish eating, I was going to the cashier to pay the bill, the cashier was a man, i couldnt see his face, but i could feel his friendliness, like we are familiar with each other and he asked which number was the table…. I pointed at the table… I saw number 21. The cashier made sure again, “are you sure thats the table ? Numver 21 right?” I said yes

    You mentioned here 21 means jackpot, could you please elaborate a little bit on that for me?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 10, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.

      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Carly
    • April 30, 2019

    I had the numbers 8123 in a dream what does that mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 6, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

      God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.
      Please let me know if you have any further questions and I’d be happy to help you.

    • Sharad
    • April 23, 2019

    I had a dream at 5:20
    I repeatedly use vladimir
    I saw one of my friend
    He was saying open the gate
    And some blood
    I woke up real time was also 5:20

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 24, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Sharad!

    • Chizitere
    • April 23, 2019

    Decree what you want everyday, there is power in your tongue. Pray and decree Psalms 35,60,91. Research more on what the dream number means and decree only the positives and reject the negatives. Thanks

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 24, 2019

      Thanks for sharing! God bless you!

    • Chizitere
    • April 23, 2019

    Three stands for Trinity. The dream is trying to reveal who God, Jesus and the HolySpirit can help deliver and set you free from any issues like worry, pain, anxiety whatever that might hurt or scare you in waking life, Trinity is the solution

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 24, 2019

      Thanks for sharing!

    • Chizitere
    • April 23, 2019

    8 New beginnings
    7 Perfection
    5 Grace
    3 Trinity
    I think your dream means that you need a relationship with God the father, Jesus the Son and Holy Spirit to get His grace for perfection which will lead to a new beginning

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 23, 2019

      Thanks for sharing Chizitere!

    • heilayna camacho
    • April 1, 2019

    so i had a dream that if we saw god in the sky and if we see him walking to a big cloud and raising his hands we would have 17 hours left to live before our bodies started to decay inside out(i was told this in my dream) but i never but thought into it until i saw him doing just that he was dressed the same way he died on the cross and once that happened i lost service in my phone and i couldn’t contact anyone but in the dream i wasn’t alone my boyfriend was with me. i was trying to call my sister in the dream but i couldn’t do i had to go looking for her and when i found her she was crawled up in a ball under a bed crying but i didn’t know why. but also in the dream i did feel my body decaying and i couldn’t wake up it felt so real. when i did finally wake up i couldn’t breath. what does this mean???

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 1, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.

      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.

      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now. Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

    • Debbie Brown
    • March 9, 2019

    I had a dream last night that my husband’s nephew gave him a check for one million dollars and on the comment it said ‘you deserve this’. What do you think this may mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. God bless you!

  2. Reply

    I had a dream about one of my workers. He was playing with two pairs of dice (4 die / dices?) during his lunch break and I came across to the table, rolled all four dices for him (it was his turn to throw) and they all landed on the “one”. I am concerned about his health, he has had heart bypass surgery lately and i am considering suggesting he goes on early retirement. Please tell me what the dream means.
    Your brother in Christ, Paul

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 12, 2019

      As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
      Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though.
      Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
      Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams. God bless you!

    • Jean
    • February 14, 2019

    Hi team i wonder if you can help me. In 2013 I had a vivid dream. I saw a baby sitting quite contently alone on a large barren area. The baby had a blue woolly hat on and only a nappy. Around one of the child’s feet was a chain which was attached to a stake in the ground. Then I heard s voice as clear as anything say to unlock it you need 8753. Can you tell me what 8753 means?

    Thank you in advance for you help.


      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 18, 2019

      Hey Jean! I am sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. You can learn how to interpret dreams through taking one of Doug’s dream training. You can learn more about those here, God bless you!

    • Tre Brown
    • January 10, 2019

    Whenever I have a night mare or any out of order dreams or any dreams period I can close my eyes in my dream and count to 3 and I wake up what does this mean ?

    • Teo
    • December 10, 2018

    I dreamed number 4,000.00. I dreamed I was calculating and checking the results and the numbers but always the result was 4,000.00
    In my dream there were many numbers like thousand numbers, but I don’t remember them specifically. All I know was that the result from my calculations was the same : 4000.00.
    I’m afraid it’s not a good sign… I read in Asian culture number 4 is a metaphor for death

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 13, 2018

      I’m so sorry but we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams. Doug has a variety of resources that will help train you to interpret your own dreams though. Here is a list of those, . One is a free ebook on dreams that is a great start. Bless you!

    • Tosin
    • December 3, 2018

    I dreamt my daughter became double. In the dream, my daughter’s look-alike came to my door sleeping and I let her in. What does it mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • December 3, 2018

      Thanks for sharing your dream! We do not have a place for dreams to be interpreted but here are some of Doug’s dream interpretation resources that will train you on understanding dreams, God bless you!

    • Elena
    • November 30, 2018

    I have been seeing the number 22 everywhere since 2015. I just keeps popping up. If I buy something online the confirmation number will have 22 in it. I’ll be having a conversation with someone and on at least 3 occasions the person I’m talking with will say something happened to them on the 22 or they have been working for someone for 22 years. There is no way I can mention all the times this number has come up. Me and my mom keep hoping it means something good for us. My mom needs healing from RA, she is in pain and she needs finances very bad, we keep hoping this means she will be healed or we will get finances but nothing good has happen yet. I don’t know how long we have to wait for our lives to get better.

    • November 25, 2018

    I had a dream of new house and its number was 9 . Right now im sick problems with my digestive system.Family going though bad times
    Please tell me what you think.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 29, 2018

      Hey Maria, we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in. Here is a list of Doug’s healing resources that you might enjoy though, God bless you!

    • Misty Roberts
    • November 14, 2018

    I dozed off today for only about 30 minutes, but I had a quick vision/dream of watching 4 dice each, one after the other, land on 5. Then I counted aloud, “5, 10, 15, 20.” Any ideas?

    • Michelle
    • November 13, 2018

    Last night I had a vivid dream about a dinner party with loved ones who have already passed away in my waking life, then an unknown man appeared breifly telling me I’m going to die in 16 days? No idea what that means.
    No, I don’t think I’m actually going die. Just wished I knew what that dream meant in that context

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 19, 2018

      Michelle, often times death in a dream can be symbolic. It could be you “dying” to something and stepping into the new. The best way to understand your dreams in to keep track of them and to ask the Holy Spirit what you should know about the dream. Here is a list of Doug’s dream interpretation resources, God bless you!

    • Burbachi
    • October 29, 2018

    I saw “444+(444 but backwards)” as text in my dreams what could this mean ?? And the person that sent it was someone i loved and still care for

    • Megan DePerro
    • October 4, 2018

    I had a nightmare with the time 11:27. What does it mean? God bless.

    • James
    • September 13, 2018

    I dreamt that I was about to sit for exams and my registration number was 1999. What could this mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 14, 2018

      Hey James! We are unable to interpret dreams on the blog but you can ask the Lord if 1999 is symbolic of anything. Was that a year that something significant happened? Is there other meaning to that number? Bless you!

    • Calvert Williams
    • August 5, 2018


    • Mindy
    • July 10, 2018

    I had a dream the other day about two trains, I walked into one, and then came out from it into another one. Then I found myself in the cross roads, trying to walk towards a gate but it was locked. Then a white man from behind called me out from behind. I turned around and he was wearing a white cap or maybe it was his white hair. He had white clothes, and i had a feeling that he probably was trying to tell me something.
    Then I woke up.

    Then I had another dream about two large black tents that were being pitched up. The first one I helped pitched up with a few people. The second I helped as well with a few people, but an old lover of mine’s mother asked for someone to help cover the hole in the middle of the tent from the rain leaking in. I volunteered to help, and I stoped it the rain from leaking in eventually. Then I found myself walking up these stairs into a huge bright tan tuscany home that was 4 stories. I came in there and saw an old friend of mine. And was assuming that it was probably her house. Then I thought of my stuff that I brought with me, and went looking for my purse, my sewing machine, and jug. I then was stressed out, and my brother called me out to ask if I was ready. I said that I was looking for something and then I’d head out. Once I found it, I left the house, went down the stairs, and saw a few people fold down the large Black tent that had a hole in the middle of it.
    Then I woke up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • July 11, 2018

      Hey Mindy! Thanks for sharing your dream. We do not have a team in place to interpret dreams but Doug does have some great dream training resources you can look into here, God bless you!

    • Shonda
    • July 8, 2018

    I have been seeing the numbers 44,444,55,555,888,99,999,20,40,11,11:11,1:11,22,222

    I am rh negative, I am negative type o. I can give blood to anyone but I can only receive it from another o negative blood type. I started to question GOD about this and he keeps giving me 444 and 22.

    I also will turn 44 years old next month.

    • Elizabeth
    • June 13, 2018

    I very blessed with this website. Last week I dream that I was given piece of small paper which was written number 11 and I asked my self what is the mean of this number but I found the meaning here. I believe that god is about to transition my life in into new season of my life.

      • Eric
      • January 28, 2019

      Hi Elizabeth, also i received a massage from a man in my dream. He told me that 11 was my number. So now i am also searching for the meaning of that. I already asked the Lord God what that means. The answer that i received was in another dream where a man says to me that i am a puzzler. So from that moment on i am trying to put the peaces together.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • June 13, 2018

      I am so glad you were blessed by Doug’s blog post on numbers. Praying for you now as you step into this transition.

    • Alexis
    • May 18, 2018

    Hi, my name is Alexis last night I had a weird dream. After something embarrassing happening in my dream and being upset around my peers and crush ,I went in this room. After entering it I saw many devices with this flashing number 7:56 do you know what it could mean ?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 22, 2018

      We always suggest people to ask God what numbers mean in their dream. Also searching the number “7:56 Bible verses” and seeing what comes up could help you to know if it is a certain Bible verse God wants you to know. Bless you!

    • martha malepe
    • May 11, 2018

    hi last year 2017 3 december i dreamed God telling me that my cousin(mary) could have had or had baby girl 17years ago and the child name Neo(meaning gift)and again God said He chose my cousin(in the dream God used the name:Mapula)which is the name we use that’s in our language,God said He chose her while she was still in her mother’s womb and He/God said He knows there is something that was worring her so much in her heart so i must tell her all shall be well

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • May 14, 2018

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. We do not have a team in place right now to interpret dreams sent in but you can learn how to interpret dreams through Doug’s dream resources. Bless you!

  3. Reply

    Where’s numbers 15,17 and 19?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 16, 2018

      We do not have those posted yet. Bless you Bernie!

    • starlyn
    • April 4, 2018

    I had a dream a few years ago about Hitler. In my dream the number 55 was in relation to Hitler somehow, but I’m not exactly sure what it means. I have been doing research, but still remain confused. It still baffles me to this day. Do you have any insight to what this could mean? thanks.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 9, 2018

      Hey Starlyn! We do not do dream interpretation on this blog or through email. We do offer great dream interpretation resources though that train you in interpreting dreams yourself. You can find those resources by clicking here. One of my favorites is the Dream Crash Course. Bless you as you grow in dream interpretation!

  4. Reply

    Yes!!! Finally got the answers, why I have been seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 for all of last 2years.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • April 3, 2018

      Yay! Bless you Acharya!

    • RM Read
    • March 16, 2018

    I saw “Jan 23, 1953” in a dream and then saw my emotionally broken brother-in-law who was born in 1960. Any insight on what that could mean? I don’t see any connections and nothing significant in history seemed to happen on that day. My parents were married in 1954, so that doesn’t seem to match up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 16, 2018

      Hey RM! We do not have the team to interpret dreams at the moment but Doug has wonderful dream resources you can check out that help train you in dream interpretation here.

      You could sit with God and ask Him if that date has significance. If you feel it does, continue to press in and ask God what it is. Bless you!

  5. Reply

    In two separate dreams, $100 has been in them— one was my kids each receiving $100—-the other was my grandpa, who has passed, was counting out $100 and put it in his pocket

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • March 11, 2018

      Cool Jorene! Seems like the number 100 is holding some significance for you in this season.

    • Aroona
    • February 23, 2018

    Hello Nikki
    I always dream passing stool in an unknown places. What does it mean

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 23, 2018

      Going to the bathroom symbolizes cleansing. Doug has dream resources here for that help you understand dreams. Bless you!

    • Mark
    • February 12, 2018

    Would anyone have any insights into the number 81?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • February 13, 2018

      Hey Mark! We always suggest looking up a Bible verse that has to do with that number, and asking the Holy Spirit to highlight a verse that may apply to what He may be speaking to you about. Bless you!

    • Angela
    • January 25, 2018

    I had a dream last that I recieved 3 bonus checks. The first check was in the amount of 16,000 the second one was in the amount of 11,000 and the last check was in the amount of 2.00. Do you know what the meaning of this dream?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 25, 2018

      Hey Angela! Awesome dream! We do not have the team right now to interpret dreams. You can apply Doug’s number meanings above and see if those seem to make sense. It’s always good to ask the Holy Spirit what they mean :).

    • martha
    • January 23, 2018

    hi i have been battling to find meaning to this dream last year i dreamed seeing my husband holding 2 gold (big)trophies i saw them on our bed and it looked like i was in bed one of the trophies a bigger one was written 301 in black numbers i asked him what are they for but i woke up before he could answer,my husband struggles with alcohol he is a christian and loves jesus most people see him as pastor while others are calling him pastor please explain

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 23, 2018

      Beautiful dream Martha. We do not have the team to interpret dreams right now, but I can tell you this is a wonderful dream to help bring you encouragement about your husband. On a side note, as you pray for your husband, you can declare Bible verses over him about being free and being a new creation. Bless you and your husband. Praying for you guys now <3.

    • Chanika Davis
    • January 21, 2018

    I keep having a dream about my old apartment 726 what do that mean and 307 which is my birthday keep popping up.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 25, 2018

      Seeing your birthdate can mean a time of blessing in your life (birthday gifts!) You can also God what the apartment number means and ask Him if it’s the literal apartment or something else. Bless you!

  6. Reply

    Hello. I keep seeing 8:23 often. Im thinking its a new beginning to a death of something? I also googled scriptures with 8:23. So I was wondering if you have any more insight to help me. Thank you and be blessed.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 17, 2018

      Hey Ursula! Great job looking up the scriptures that connect to the numbers 8:23. As you did that, did any verses stick out? You can ask the Holy Spirit to highlight any that would apply to what God is saying to you. If none of the verses seem to stick out, then it could be something else that you may need to wait to fully understand :). You are doing great! Bless you!

    • Natasha Crabtree
    • January 13, 2018

    I dreamed I bought something from my friend and gave her a check for $25.

      • Chanika Davis
      • January 21, 2018

      I dreamed of giving my son 25 dollars and his birthday is 205. February 5

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • January 23, 2018

        Awesome! Thanks for sharing Chanika!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 15, 2018

      Thanks for sharing Natasha! Bless you!

      • Natasha Crabtree
      • January 13, 2018

      also I have been asking God to talk to me through my dreams.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • January 15, 2018

        Thats awesome. It often helps to keep writing them down when we ask God to speak to us in our dreams. That way we keep track and have better understanding. Bless you!

    • Irina
    • January 12, 2018

    Finally found the answer to why I have been seeing 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 for all of last year and cotinually this year. No matter where I turned I see these numbers and prayed but nothing clicked. Lots of explanations on the Internet but mostly new age stuff then your explanation got it. Things have definitly lined up for my husband and I in such a dramatic way. Seems so obvious now👍🏻😀 Thank you! 1st time here.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 12, 2018

      Yay! I am so glad you have more clarity now Irina! Bless you!

    • Kimberley
    • January 11, 2018

    I had a dream last night that i wasnt talking to my husband as he’d done something really bad, i was ignoring him the whole dream and yelling at him and he still didnt see the wrong he had done.
    Half way through the dream 5 of his mates who ride harleys and i stopped and watched the clock tick to 18:18 and we were waiting for 18 seconds to go past also but decided we would have a shot at 17second instead. We were toasting to someone who had died the day before at this time on a harley….. does this mean anything?
    My husband and his mates are going away on their harleys soon for a 10 day ride… should i be worried?

    • Nova
    • January 11, 2018

    I had a dream about March 21st what does it means?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 11, 2018

      Hey Nova! It could be the meaning of the actual date or something else. The only way to know for sure is to record it, watch for it and ask God for confirmation. Although numbers in dreams are important, they are more useful in the application than the interpretation. If you can take out any symbol of the dream and the dream does not change, then it is best not to focus on it. Bless you! <3

    • Darlynn
    • January 2, 2018

    For 3 years now i have been seeing number sequences.. it started with the 11:11 sequence and then went crazy after that. I can only remember it starting soon after i started feeling melancholy about my life and asking God what my purpose in life was and what more is there and what am i supposed to be doing with it! After looking up so many things on the internet about numbers and sequences on a spiritual note, i have never had any real revelation from any of those things i have read except maybe Gematria. But it isn’t really satisfying my desire to understand why or what it means for me personally. I look at the clock and there is some palindrome or triple or double digits and 1234’s etc ALL THE TIME! I see them elsewhere too besides a clock. I don’t remember my dreams like i used to really except for one recently that was specifically about me conversing with an angel and i asked his name and he replied something that sounded like photo and morcal put together ?! I also wake up in the middle of the night or early mornings with the same numbers. Can you help me understand better what is happening and what i do about it? Thank You

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • January 5, 2018

      Unfortunately, we presently do not have the staff in place to interpret dreams sent in to us. Doug does offer a few great dream interpretation trainings here though, Bless you Darlynn!

    • Marlene
    • November 24, 2017

    I keep dreaming about sequence. It seems that first is appearing. Twice I dreamed first. Like do this first.

    The most recent was something about order with an application for something. I’m a little lost.

    • Sharon
    • November 21, 2017

    I had a dream of my ex giving me a note and read I am available after 8:00 pm help!!!’

    • Penny Ho
    • November 17, 2017

    Hi, i dream about the time of 7:57 a.m.
    I don’t understand what does it mean can you help me

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • November 18, 2017

      Hey Penny! We always suggest people look up a number and see how it correlates to a Bible verse. So try googling, “Bible verse 7:57.” Bless you!

    • Nikki
    • October 18, 2017

    I dreamt that I was given a number by someone to remember, don’t remember who or why. But the number screamed at me when I woke up in the morning clear as day. It was 144152.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 19, 2017

      Hey Nikki, we do not interpret dreams here at InLight Connection. I suggest asking God what those numbers mean to you. Then keep an eye open for them. God might give you another dream or speak to you about them in another way.

    • Anita Brouwer
    • October 4, 2017

    I heard the numbers 38 8 ( thirtyeight eight, just pronounced that way) in my dream. A few days later i hard 38 28. I felt the 28 was very important! What does that mean? This was about a month ago.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • October 5, 2017

      With some numbers like that it depends. Ask the Holy Spirit what they mean and look for those numbers in the Bible to see if they have prophetic meaning. For example, google, “Bible verse 38:8.” and “28 in the Bible.” Also, think about your life with those numbers. They could be an age, a place, etc. It’s good to pay attention to seeing those numbers and asking God to show you what they mean. We may not hear the answer right away, and thats okay. He loves you so much and is always talking to you. Bless you <3.

    • Dano W
    • September 25, 2017

    Greetings friends,

    I see repeating numbers: 123, 1234, 234, 345, and finally 456 all of the time everytime I look at a clock or digital time piece for the past year.

    If anyone can assist, it would be much appreciated.

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 25, 2017

      Usually seeing numbers lined up like that means things are aligning. Keep track and see how things are aligning in your life.

    • verito
    • September 21, 2017

    hi doug i been seen all triple numbers from 555. 444… to 1111 and latelt 37 73 47 and 74 what does it mean ?

    • Darlene
    • September 6, 2017

    I get numbers all the time on the clock usually doubles like11:11 or 2:22. Any of the numbers on the clock, this has been going on for about 3 years. Something new is when I was praying the other day with my eyes closed my field of vision went royal purple and the word purple was said in my mind in a voice that sounded incredulous and surprised. So now what does this color purple mean?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 7, 2017

      I had a vision once and felt God tell me to look up the prophetic meaning of the color purple. I googled it and found some things that greatly helped me in my situation. Doug does not have an article on color meanings yet, but I encourage you to google and see what comes up. Bless you!

    • Jenny
    • September 5, 2017

    Pls help me to understand this dream. specific things really stand out. I’ve dreamed about a lover, together with lots of different sizes of black dogs, but they were friendly surrounding me. also his family ..? and then in the same dream, about a text msg about the same person, with the numbers, 18, 30 and 50 (distinct feeling of different ages of persons) but specifically in front of the 18 and 50 were the letter “J” in the dream, and in the same msg indicates him moving to another country for 6 months (specifically) for work ..?

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 6, 2017

      Hi Jenny! We do not interpret dreams online. Through Doug’s Dream Crash Course you can learn about dream symbols and understanding how to interpret dreams. For example, dogs could mean either a loyal friend, or a bad friend, depending in the context. Bless you!

    • Kat
    • September 1, 2017

    in my dream it was 12 :00

    I was told to remember the numbers

    8 17 15

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • September 1, 2017

      Awesome Kat!

    • Rob
    • August 24, 2017

    the number 47- every day in my life is it with me.
    can tell you the meaning of this number please
    many blessings

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 25, 2017

      Hey Rob! Here is another article Doug did on numbers, It does not address 47 but it may give you greater insight into the number topic. Also, some numbers are personal and have meanings that may be different. If this number is that reoccurring, ask God about it, it may have significance than you will only understand through asking Him for a meaning. Bless you!

    • Saara
    • August 21, 2017

    Hello! This is interesting.. I also see more and more 21 repeated.. even now date is 21 and time was 21:21 .. hmm.. what does that jackpot really mean? I don’t fully get it 🙂 Thanks! Trying to find scriptures as well.. And asking God of course, too 🙂 If something is repeated three times, was there some meaning for it.. or just confirmation from God? Thanks. Many blessings. New season is here!

      • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
      • August 23, 2017

      Hey Saara! Jackpot means a prize. You could be in a season of God wanting you to receive a blessing from Him. If something is repeated it often is God confirming something or wanting you to really pay attention.

        • Saara
        • August 24, 2017

        Wow! thanks <3

    • fran
    • June 28, 2017

    Hello Doug

    I keep seeing the same numbers all over, can you help me with a few. 7:47, 7:56.

    Thank You

      • Nikki, InLight Connection
      • June 28, 2017

      Hey Fran! I suggest googling those numbers and then typing “Bible verse.” See if any verses are highlighted to your spirit, those might be ones God wants you to focus on in this season.

    • King
    • June 10, 2017

    Hi Doug,

    I keep seeing the number 21:21 on my time, almost everyday now.
    I know God is communicating something to me. I saw that the number 21 relates to many things in relation to fasting and jackpot but 21:21 repeated I am not sure. I am seeking God and hopefully will get a revelation of its meaning. But was wondering perhaps you could help with any interpretation. Regards, King.

      • Admin Nikki
      • June 15, 2017

      Hey King! A few things, it could be the number it’s self has a meaning or maybe a verse that is chapter 21, verse 21. Ask God to make the meaning behind this highlighted to you, then look up 21:21 Bible verse and see what comes up. If one stick out then that could be a verse that God wants you to declare over your live or focus more on.

      That is so awesome you are having ears to hear God! Bless you friend.

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Sharon S
    • May 17, 2017

    Had a dream I was given $5 million dollars & soon afterwards I was given $7 million by another person or group & two or three days later I had a dream of the number 7 or 70 but can’t remember what it was about.

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 18, 2017

      Cool Sharon! Keep writing them down and see if God is communicating more to you about those numbers.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • veritobyb
    • May 2, 2017

    Hi doug i wanna ask you sometime i see all this numbers 1111 444 555 222 333 and the double digits but the last that appear to me was 37 and also 73 do you know what does it mean? God bless you and thank you

      • Admin Nikki
      • May 3, 2017

      You might want to take a look at Bible verses that have those numbers 37 and 73. Doing an internet search is the quickest way. And ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into understanding. He then might highlight which verse it is He wants you to pray into.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

    • Stephany Fischl
    • April 22, 2017

    I had a dream last night/early morning. I don’t remember the dream however I do remember seeing these numbers “4:29” expressed in this way. I have never dreamed about a number(s) before but this really made an impact on me. So much so that I remember the numbers but not the dream. I do remember that these numbers were on the side of a briefcase/suitcase being held by an unknown person. I remember waking up momentarily and returning back to sleep only to see this same “vision” again. Do you have any idea of interpretation?

      • Admin Nikki
      • April 24, 2017

      When I see numbers like that without knowing what they mean, I often google the numbers while typing in “Bible verse”. So try googling, “4:29 Bible verse” and see what comes up. Then ask the Holy Spirit if that is what He is saying.

      Suitcases often mean travel or change, so see how that symbol would correlate with the Bible verse the numbers are. Could be applying the verse to your life will bring about good change and forward movement with your walk with God.

      Bless you!

      -Nikki, InLight Connection

  7. Reply

    I had a dream a man talking on the cellphone asked to give his day of birth and he said 02/03/1966 and his cell number 071 and the number was not finished.He came to me running then pass me.As I was trying to stop him,i saw 3 men on my leftside and 3 men on my rightside.sitting doing nothing.i was afraid of the but they didn’t do anything to me.only 1came to me and smile.

    • Daphne
    • March 6, 2017

    I had a dream I had got this job n base cleaning 3 people was something they had they played on but it was logged in under there passcode. one let me try on there computer than it was like in money form but alot a numbers start jumping up I had won.the main numbers were 2 a1 and a7. I told them I won something but I couldn’t get it cause it was under someone else passcode they didn’t mind giving it to me but. Woke up before it happen

    • Tara
    • February 21, 2017

    I had a nightmare last night and I hardly ever have them.
    In it there was a creepy man in the room which isn’t that unusual of a nightmare, if I have nightmares that’s the kind of thing I’d dream,
    but the number 49 flashed up before me (U know how dreams can be like looking at a movie?) I thought 49?
    and it flashed up again, just to be sure 49
    I wonder what’s the relevance of that. unusual to dream of numbers.
    Any insight appreciated thanks.

    • jerry
    • February 21, 2017

    i dream of prophetess writing 175 on my hand what does it stand for

    • Debora Saucier
    • February 15, 2017

    In my dream- someone handed me a baby that was extremely over weight, bald and naked. I asked someone to bring me some clothes. I dressed the baby and lifted it up in the air with both of my arms, and the baby’s body shrunk to normal size and grew a full head of hair before my eyes. Can someone tell me what this might mean?

    • Brenda
    • February 5, 2017

    I’ve also been seeing 8:11 constantly on the clock, daily, sometimes twice daily. Along with several, 111, 222, 333, 444 and 888. Any direction is so appreciated.

      • Beverley Williamson
      • February 8, 2017

      Hi Doug and team
      I was googling info on the no.2 in dreams and came across your page. I dreamed i owned 2 Tiffany lamps. They were old and worn. I noted paint peeling on the base and that they had different lamp shades. I also was aware they were antiques and very valuable. I googled meaning of the name Tiffany and it means God made manifest. The lamp i understood means the Word of God. Just have sense theres something im missing in my understanding of this dream. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Tks

      • Reply

        Hi Doug and team.
        I dreamed i owned 2 rather old Antique Tiffany lamps. I noticed paint on pedastal was peeling it was a baby blue colour and lamp shades were different. I also knew they were extremely valuable. The nme Tiffany means God in the flesh or manifest. Thanks in advance for any insight.

    • Brenda
    • February 5, 2017

    I had this dream in October 2015 and I know it’s important, I just can’t figure it out. I really need some direction.

    In the dream this woman was talking to me, we were at a small gathering of some kind. I don’t remember exactly what was being said between us and then she suddenly said, to me, in front of the other people, that I was going to die in 96 hours. I said 96 hours? I suddenly wondered how many days that was that I had left. I said I don’t want to die, but if it’s the Lord’s will then I will . Then i repeated I really didn’t want to die in 96 hrs. Some of the people around me were incredulous and said, “she’s going to die in 96 hours?!” seemingly concerned – Suddenly it was important to me how I was going to die, I asked her a bit fearfully, will it hurt? She looked very seriously at me and nodded her head yes. I said, “I’m going to be killed aren’t I” – she nodded yes.

    When I woke up the first thing I did was to see how many days 96 hrs would be. 4 days

      • Mary
      • June 1, 2018

      96 may refer to psalms 96. Could be that you are going to die to self. 4 means God creative works to rule and reign and also means humility. Maybe dying to self is going to be painful in a sense of being sacrificial. .

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • June 13, 2018

        Thanks for sharing Mary. Bless you!

    • Reply

      HI Brenda, God is telling you that he is answering you prayers for change in your life. You won’t know what time frame 96 means until you see the results of your prayers happen. The question to ask yourself is what have you been asking God to change and then ask God to for the grace to change without fear 🙂

      God bless you, Pam, InLight Connection

    • Allie Sauer
    • February 2, 2017

    I’m so thankful for resources such as this, thank you Doug and team!
    I’ve been getting 9:11 nearly daily for several weeks. I feel like it’s a transition to a higher level in spiritual gifts & fruit but the significance of the date (and emergency call number) makes me wonder, if I’m just being hopeful. Certainly God could use other numbers to represent a spiritual transition in my life which causes me to wonder if 911 could be a call to pray for our nation or something closer to home or my house. I am not sure what the Lord is saying to me regarding this so I’m curious what the general meaning typically is in regard to people seeing this number repeatedly.

    • Reply

      Hey Allie, asking you to pray or intercede is definitely a request from the Holy Spirit. it all depends on your sphere of authority, where you live and how the Holy Spirit has used you to intercede in the past. During your daily prayer time I would ask the Holy Spirit to guide your prayers in response to what he has been showing you. If you keep a prayer journal, then you can look back and see how God used your prayers 🙂

      Blessing you! Pam
      InLight Connection

    • Nikki Hyatt
    • January 27, 2017

    Hi Doug!

    Thank you for all you do and your willingness to hear from God and share so much of yourself (and Him) with us and teach us! I keep seeing repetitive numbers, such as 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, 5:55, 11:11, and 12:12 – and I have been seeing them for almost 4 or 5 months now. About 6 months ago, I saw 3 separate shooting stars dissolve right in front of me on 3 separate instances while I was driving. I know that something is changing, that something’s coming, but am not certain of what. Do you have any insight? I’ve looked for your blogs about numbers but only find ones on dreams (like this one).

    thank you!

    • Reply

      Hi Nikki,
      This is what Doug’s blog says about repeating numbers “Maybe you see numbers line up on the clock like 2:22, 3:33, etc. It could be the meaning of the actual number or symbolic that things are about to line up for you. The only way to know for sure is to record it, watch for it and ask God for confirmation.”

      God is trying to get your attention and speak to you. Have you downloaded Doug’s free pdf ebook on How to Hear God more Clearly? It is a great book.

      God bless you!
      InLight Connection

    • Henry Jackson
    • January 13, 2017

    I’m a Prophet, not ordain by my church but choosen by God.

    Last night in a dream I was looking at the numbers “8/19/23” (including the slantes) in all in lime green. It was printed on a white piece of paper. I just wanted to know what does mean prophetically?

    • Reply

      Henry, being a prophet means that you can hear God for yourself and for others. God is giving you this dream to help train you how to hear God when he speaks to you. You can start by looking up what happened in the world on that date and then doing a bible search of the numbers and verses.

      Doug has a great free e-book on How to Hear God more clearly if you want more practical steps on hearing God for your life.

      God bless you,
      InLight Connection

    • elizabeth
    • November 21, 2016

    hi.i usually play lottery powerball from time to time and i ve b praying so hard to God to show me the winnin numbers for sometime now.last night i dreamed that someone i dont know was calling me on my cell and which i clearly saw this phone number which i dont even recognise 0977 219626.and it was the man on the other line and was telling me to go and join him though i clearly heard him saying he lives in another country far from me.please tell me what this dream God trying to tell me something?

    • Person
    • November 19, 2016

    Last night I had a dream with the numbers 666 and 888 and I’m really freaked out cause I know 666 is the number of the beast and 888 is something about angles, I’m confused why I saw them. If u have any answers that would be great.

    • L
    • November 11, 2016

    Dough I dreamt of Begin given cheese the price on it was R10:15. I googled searched cheese in a dream and it’s telling me about marriage proposal in the dream I kept on hearing someone’s name.

      • Mary
      • May 10, 2017

      It sounds like a bible verse. Romans 10:15 ?

    • Maggs
    • October 26, 2016

    good day

    i dreamed that the pastor was teaching and he gave an illustration from the book of Jude saying something about chapter 8 or 9 being missing. then i saw the numbers 8120. i am wondering what this could mean

    • Nicole
    • September 24, 2016

    i have been having dreams and plain day visions of the numbers 4,11,14 in that exact sequence
    do you think it could tell me what it means

    • Reply

      Nicole, The one thing I have learned is that God wants to speak to each of us and that is what he gives us dreams and visions. Doug gives you a basic list of common meanings of numbers so you can try to see what God is saying to you. It could be bible verses or it could be other things. But you need to spend a few moments in God’s presence to share with him what you think and then listen to what he says to your spirit.

      Doug has a great free ebook on how to hear God more clearly if this would help you 🙂


    • Linda
    • September 21, 2016

    I dreamed of seeing the numbers 33574 not sure why but I got up and wrote the numbers down. Any idea?

    • Reply

      HI Linda,

      Something like that you would need to do some research and see what God is saying to you. You will also need to look at the context of the numbers in your dream. Was it money, or an address of a home, or the number of a plane? Knowing the context of the numbers will help you apply the meaning.


    • Julia
    • September 1, 2016

    In my dream I saw the number 2. I was going to get a tattoo of the number 2 and it was going to be places on my chest on the left side where my heart is. Never went through with it because it took me a while to pick the right font and size of the number 2.

    • Jason conover
    • September 1, 2016

    I had a dream of the number 4 yesterday what does it mean

      • Admin Damali
      • September 1, 2016

      The number 4 has typically meant “creative miracles” but it’s important for you to hear exactly what God is speaking to you. It may have a different meaning and context for you. Here is a blog that Doug wrote about the meaning of some numbers in dreams that you may find interesting:

    • Bre Davis
    • July 26, 2016

    Josh, thank you for those encouraging words about 11:11. I also read that 11 is chaos and confusion and judgement??? Do you happen to know what 3:33 might mean? I’ve seen it for a month now

    • Bre Davis
    • July 25, 2016

    I have started seeing the numbers 3:33 &11:11 on my clock many times for the past 4 weeks. I’m use to prophetic dreams and open visions but this is new to me but I know it’s Papa God showing me. I do wanna know what He is saying to me personally. Anything you can say to help me I would appreciate it

      • Mary
      • May 10, 2017

      Things are lining up for you. 3 means fullness , resurrection, all the way complete, perfect fullness , perfect completeness. 11 means transition .establishing it twice . meaning mayor transition times for you. Comes to my mind Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know. Seems to me a deeper revelation for you and go deeper in the things of the Spirit,

      • Josh
      • July 26, 2016

      11:11 from what I’ve heard means that God is “transitioning” you, like a new season, wave, movement. From glory to glory. Be excited and expectant to know the Lord in deeper intimacy than ever before.

    • Josh Poe
    • July 4, 2016

    What does the number 44 mean? I see it everywhere, it’s annoying!

    • Anonymous
    • May 22, 2016

    I have had a dream of the numbers 1 710740 in that order what does it mean? Am I going crazy, every time I blink I wake up to these numbers

    • Betty Hill
    • May 13, 2016

    Hi My name is Betty and I just had a dream on Monday 9.05.2016 and in my dream was miss a tyres on my car and know I have been waking up at 2 pm every time this week I do not know yea But I am asking God to happy me out and I look on here and it say 2 double. still waiting on God yet.

  8. Reply

    Only one chance

  9. Reply

    Dreamed of 2,ten dollar bills giving to me by a neighbors

      • Mary
      • May 10, 2017

      Neighbor represent someone close to you could be the Lord
      2 means Multiplication, Division ,Witness, Son
      10 means Journey , wilderness, perfect Order(pastoral)
      2(10) establishing twice in his perfect order .
      10+10=20 means expectancy . Something is coming your way is, from the Lord or (someone close to you)., is going to take you in to a Journey, expect it .

    • Veronicca
    • March 19, 2016

    I asked this a year ago and still haven’t got a reply, but i was wondering what does it mean?
    “Doug what does it mean when you dream about a specific date and time for example my dream says August 24, 2002 10:22 a.m. I am so confused!! Thanks Doug !!”

    • End Master
    • February 1, 2016

    i had a dream with the number 197. it was straight out mentioned to me with no details whatsoever. i didnt even ask a question to get the number.
    anyone knows what it means?

    • Grace
    • January 13, 2016

    I have been seeing the number 10:17 everywhere for about 9 months now, and the date of my birthday happens to be 10/17. I have begun seeing 11’s in succession as well. I have my inclinations about what the Lord is saying, but was wondering if you have any insights as to what this could mean as well?

  10. Reply

    For the past year and half I have been dreaming about blue water from the sea coming into the earth. And my family and I seam to always be on a hill.

    • Mary
    • December 23, 2015

    Recently I’ve begun to have very different dreams. Sometimes right before I awake up I see (sometimes hear it being spoken as well) a number, phrase or picture. This just started happening to me about April of 2015. Has anyone ever experienced this or know of this type of dream? The first time it happened I heard a number of days and then another number. I counted the days and exactly the number of days I received a text from my boss saying I would not get my next paycheck because they ran out of money. Then unintentionally I quit the job on the second number of days and didn’t realize it until later. Everything turned out fine and I ended up getting all owed to me about 6 weeks later. During that time I also saw a dear with antler’s grazing in the forest right before I woke up. I would love to understand why I continue to get these types of dreams if anyone has any insight.

    • Ebeh paul
    • December 7, 2015

    Master pls my dream is this,last night i dream where i was at school and we are closen from school but i didn’t go to that day so i was pass by behind my school so i hear when our teacher was telling my school met to take my result card to at i quckly ran there and pick it and open was position number 7 i got i was so glad but some of my class met where jaelous my position number 7 .pls master what does that dream means?

    • melody hobbs
    • December 7, 2015

    and the third one with the 7 was also red.

    • melody hobbs
    • December 7, 2015

    I had a dream that i saw a red christmas ball ornament with the number 7 on it. a white one with the number 2, and a third one with the number 7. like maybe 727. I was very happy.

      • Mary
      • May 10, 2017

      7 means spiritual perfection and completion
      2 multiplication
      Red means wisdom ,power and authority
      white means Righteousness and Holiness
      727=16 means established new beginning and Love of God. You`ll have a new beginning established by God in wisdom , power and authority , righteousness and Holiness covered with the love o God.

    • sierra
    • November 5, 2015

    Thank the Lord for this material. he Heavenly Father is still helping me to cultivate this Gift of the dreams and vision. Last night I had a dream of the number 13:80 just like that on top of a window that slides up like in a house that’s under construction because the window had fresh saw wood around it and those numbers were curved out in wood on top the window and this light was shining in through the window? I remember being confused cause those numbers I knew were not from a clock? Please help all I know is 13 is rebellion.- Thank You.

    • Cassie
    • October 4, 2015

    I had a dream where i saw the number 666. There were numbers between the 666 but i dont remember what numbers. And i was in a haunted house in my drem. When i saw those numbers , i told my friend in the dream: look! Its 666! and she just ignored me. And for the past month i keep seeing 13:13, 11:11 or just 111 and numbers like that and its kind of creeping me out. My friend tells me that its a coincidence but i dont think so. I see them 5-10 times a day. Please help me! I want to know what it means!

    • Reply

      Well, I guess knowing the creator of the universe wants to speak to you and is teasing you with numbers could creep you out 🙂 He got your interest though right? So now your response is to figure out what he is trying to get you to look at 🙂 Doug says “The key to understanding dreams is using a combination of symbolic understanding and the ability to hear God’s voice.” Start by looking up bible verses in the bible (example John 1:11, John 11:1, etc) and read the chapter and see if your spirit responds to any of them. Pray and ask God to help you find the verses he wants you to look at. Happy treasure hunting! Pam

    • Ulla
    • September 22, 2015

    Hi Doug, I’ve had a dream in which various symbols/ elements of the dream are duplicated/ in pairs. What does this mean. I know the dream itself is important–i’ve had it repeated thrice already. Thanks.

    • Yvonne
    • September 7, 2015

    Doug, please tell me what it means to see the numbers 666 in your dream?

    • Kyle
    • September 7, 2015

    I had a dream it was wierd for a while. Then i found a book i picked it up and looked through it it was a picture book of a man playing hocky the man apeard. And said hi he shook my hand then said do you know who i am. I replied no he said look closer at my i did the number 42 showd up on his fourhead and i said sorry no. He replied im one of the horsemen pestalence and went to shake my hand again i grabed my sleeve then shook his hand again then he transformd with black wings and long arms and said nice meeting you and he flew off. Then i woke up.

    • Femi
    • August 16, 2015

    I had a dream of some numbers, 74;71,52 last week, in my dream and approached a friend who said the numbers are for my winning a lottery.Lo and behold,I followed him to a lotto stand,and staked a simple amount because I didnt believe in it and didnt wanna risk my money.To my greatest amazement,when my friend called me and I went to see him,the number fetched me multiplied by 100 of the amount I stakes down.I’m still wondering God and his work…!

    • Jonny
    • July 14, 2015

    Hi Doug,

    I dreamt about the numbers 1,7,14 and 21 a few weeks ago when I started a 40 days fasting. What does these numbers mean. I did not know these were prophetic numbers until I watched a video.


    • Liza
    • July 5, 2015

    Hello,can you please help me…i always like to analise my dreams and well i had a weird dream and these combination of numbers popped in my head…148 and 59.. that was one combination i cant remember more but i have some very strange feeling of those numbers,like its important to me. can you please tell me what it can mean? thank u for helpng.

      • Lorraine
      • September 1, 2017

      For years I have seen 714. Most times I see I see it on the clock morning and evening. I dreamed of this number just recently. I have wondered for years what this means. May I also add my birthday is 7/15 and when I was born I weighed 7lbs 14 ounces.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • September 6, 2017

        Hey Lorraine! I’d ask God about it. It could be relating to your birthday or a Bible verse that God wants you to focus on. You can always try googling the number and then type “Bible verse” to see which verses stick out to you. Bless you!

    • Zukiswa
    • July 4, 2015

    I dream that I was being arrested on Thursday the 2 July and again on 3rd July…felt so real. This morning woke up with a voice that said fast for 11 days, Daniel fast.

    • precious
    • June 19, 2015

    I had a dream that my boyfriend exchange phone number with two different ladies please what does it mean thank you

    • precious
    • June 19, 2015

    I had a dream dream that my boyfriend exchanged phone numbers with two ladies in my presence, please wat does it mean thanks

    • Esther
    • June 17, 2015

    Hey Doug,
    Many times for the past weeks when I check my phone for time , I find its 00:00 or I see any number but with a 0 or 00 in it. What’s its meaning?

  11. Reply

    Last night I had a dream and I was crying and scared because I was moving out to a room that had the number 1001 on it!:/. So I saw that number every time I went to the building and when I went inside. What does that mean???? I know have to be careful but what will happen to me????

      • Mary
      • May 10, 2017

      But beloved do not forget this one thing .,with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day ..( 1001) 2 Peter 3:8

    • N
    • April 30, 2015

    I had a dream that it was new years Eve and I was very drunk, I look at a digital clock that was near me and it said 11:56 and then went to 11:57. What does this mean?????? I dont understand

  12. Reply


  13. Reply

    Hi Doug, I dreamed about the number 7 and next to it was the book, Deutoronium.
    example: (7 Deutoronium……………). it was written in a book. it look like it could have been the bible. I wanted to highlight the text when one of my sisters ask me what I am trying to do. I explained it to her.

    • David
    • March 17, 2015

    I’m done with porn/lust, after the two dreams I had last night. The first one lasted 3 hours and I was attacked by something I couldn’t see. It was choking and hitting me as I called out for Jesus. I prayed to him in the dream asking for help and it just seemed to anger the demon. I woke up sweating. I went back to bed, and had a dream, I was on a bus and just sitting there, Idk why but I was praying and my finger moved uncontrollably 10 times. Idk why I counted I just did. I asked if someone on the bus knew what 10 meant, and they pointed to seat 10 there was a paper of some sort there and i was drawn to the numbers 33 on it. 3 different spots it’s like someone pointed it out to me. I just was drawn to it. It was also 10:33 in my dream. I prayed to the Lord and praised him for miracles and asked what should I do testify, and chills ran down my body. You may not believe it, but he was giving me a message.

    • Veronica
    • January 31, 2015

    Doug what does it mean when you dream about a specific date and time for example my dream says August 24, 2002 10:22 a.m. I am so confused!! Thanks Doug !!

    • Cathy
    • January 25, 2015

    Doug I had a dream 2 nights ago. There was a man holding up 22 blocks. This man was so beautiful I never thought I would forget his face, yet I can’t describe it now. It is erased from my mind now. The blocks were childrens blocks or small blocks that looked similar to small childrens blocks. The next thing this man picked up had the number 48 on it. This looked like square blocks also, but it looked like a spinning calendar that were similar block sizes. Can you tell me what this dream means? Thank you Doug. Blessings!

      • Suzie
      • February 15, 2019

      Hi Kathy and Doug I have seen 22 a lot for years now and 48 recently and wander the significance. Please let me know what you find. Thans Suzie

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • February 18, 2019

        Hey Suzie! You can search the Bible for the number 48 and ask God how the number applies to them. God bless you!

    • Kelli Ann
    • December 20, 2014

    Hey Doug,

    Isn’t number “11” = revelation? And if so, could “22” be attributed to “revelation” being assured? (Thinking of the scripture that when something is repeated it’s sure to transpire)….

    And, what about number 9? If it was linked to the “22” what would your general analysis be??


    • Grace
    • October 1, 2014

    Hi Doug, what about a dream that clearly mentions the number 666 and connection to Anti-Christ what would be the implication in the world today.

    I would be interested to know your view. THANKS

    • Reply

      Grace, I really do wish I had time to interpret the thousands of dreams people send me. Honestly I am buried in them :O) but I did pour everything I possibly know on dreams into an online course that will help The Dream Crash Course. Take the Jump Start Course free. I also have a book Understand Your Dreams Now that may help. Go to my website

        • Dee
        • October 12, 2014

        They took down my comments but I did not know why, I only wrote about something I had been seeing and did not mean to be offensive in any way and would be so sorry if it was.

          • Dee
          • October 13, 2014

          So sorry would not have meant to say that openly, please forgive.

          • Dee
          • October 12, 2014

          The thing I wrote was what I see a lot and it sometimes has me really uneasy about the future. I do not want to be in fear or miss a warning so we could change the outcome if God was trying to tell us something important. I was looking for help.

    • kerry archibeque
    • September 28, 2014

    Hi Doug, thank you for confirming SO MUCH. I do have alot dreams lately though I’ve been seeing #s like 111, 222, 333, 555. I do have alot going on in my life. Can you help?

      • kerry archibeque
      • September 28, 2014

      1111 too hmm

    • Shanae
    • September 27, 2014

    I have been seeing the number 29 everywhere for the last two years. On license plates, signs , tv…. Whenever I look at the clock, it’s always 29 minutes past the hour. I have been going through a very dark time for over three years . Loss of my marriage , custody battle, loss of my job, my mother being diagnosed with cancer. I feel this number means something significant . As well as the very vivid dreams I have. It was prophesied to me that I myself would be moving in the prophetic .

      • mary
      • June 1, 2018

      29 means mountains also means departure, could be related to overcome mountains like obstacles.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • June 6, 2018

        Thanks for sharing Mary!

    • Ashley S.
    • September 23, 2014

    Suddenly, for weeks now everyday multiple times a days, the numbers 1111, 111, 333, and a few 444’s and 555’s have suddenly started standing out to me. Mostly the numbers 1111 & 111. but i’m not really sure what it all means but I know its God. I seek God concerning this, but don’t feel like I have an answer yet. What do you think God is trying to say to me? Thank you in advance!

      • Dee
      • October 11, 2014

      I have the same experience. I know that 1111 has come often when there was a transition coming. A lot of times it comes before a family member dies or a really big change. I am seeing it constantly right now and 111. I see 11:55 a lot. I also see the 333 and 444 but mostly 555. Is there any insight on this? Thank you so much.

      • Reply

        Hey ,I dont know much about this but ,I know I think It was last week I saw a clock and random numbers on it .It seemed like ones and zeros.Ive been seeing pocket watches ,I hear someones voice saying something about running out of time.I dont know what this means or anything but all the signs that Im seeing I think were at the end times to be honest.Everyone’s been saying that for awhile ,but I think its true.(In honor of Jesus name)-Samantha Wilson.

        • Reply

          I Being seeing numbers of 59 what do that means, On clocks on signs on paper just every where. Please tell me, I Had a bad Marriage Everything is Going Wrong in my life I Pray All the time, I Know God Loves Me.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • October 9, 2017

            When it is a specific number like that, I would google “59 in the Bible” and “Bible verse 59” and see what comes up. If anything jumps out at you, ask the Holy Spirit if that is the meaning. It could also be something else, such as an age or a place. Keep asking God what it may mean and keep track of when and where you see it.

            I am sorry you are having a hard time right now in life. You are so right, God loves you. God has got you in His hand and will not let you go. Praying for you. Bless you <3.

      • Reply

        Dee, here’s a good blog post on numbers and their meanings in dreams:

          • Dee
          • October 13, 2014

          Thank you so much, I pray God bless you tremendously and you all are such wonderful blessings!!!

        • Dee
        • October 11, 2014

        I don’t want to voice fears but I do have one concern and it really is a fear and don’t want to miss something important that God may be trying to warn me or tell us. My husband’s birthday is 5-5 and next year he turns 55. I am constantly waking at 555 almost every morning I see this as well as afternoon. Could this have something to do with something that is coming?Thank you.

        • Reply

          Hi Dee,

          We just saw your other comments! Nothing was deleted. We were out of the office over the weekend and haven’t had a chance to approve them until now. Here’s a blog post that can help with numbers and their meanings:

            • Jennifer
            • February 3, 2017

            I have be researching the prophetic meaning of like 4 numbers in a row, I wouldn’t hear or see the number like I sometimes do in visions in dream. it will drop in my spirit when I’m waking up.
            example 3453 or 0554.
            What does that mean?
            I really want God to show me through the Holy Spirit how to prophetically interpret number

          • Jennifer, we are so glad that you are asking God to show you what he is trying to say to you through numbers! Doug recommends taking a look at any corresponding Bible verses for numbers you have in your dreams. For example, if you see the number 24 you might want to take a look at several chapter 24’s in the Bible. I recommend doing an Internet search as well. Doug also has an online activation ministry school that will train you on how to hear God clearly in new ways.

            Blessing you! Pam
            InLight Connection

      • kerry archibeque
      • September 28, 2014

      I do too!! I just left my comment then read yours ahead of mine. Wow

    • precious
    • September 17, 2014

    I had a dream today and in my dream, i was pregnant with a child, so i decided to Abort the child but i was not able to , at the same time i already had a child i was feeding in the dream and i decided to let someone adopt the children, both the unborn child and the Born one,.i would like to know what it means

    • Doreen Walker
    • September 13, 2014

    I had a dream August 25th (my daughter’s 42nd birthday). In my dream I saw a large white billboard and on it was written in large bold black letters “Please tribe before March 10th”

    • Gina Wolf
    • September 12, 2014

    I have to get this book and learn more about interpreting dreams! I had one last night that I KNOW was God trying to tell me something. I woke up feeling it was hugely important, but can hardly remember anything. I just remember that God was going to be showing me something totally new and creative (I think it was a new way to heal people or reach people), and it involved colors. Then I woke up knowing that I would use all of the colors, but that blue was the most important. I know that blue is the Holy Spirit, so I’m confused about the rest now!

      • Mary
      • May 10, 2017

      Blue means Revelation and communion

    • Linda Arrington
    • September 9, 2014

    I found u on joan hunters facebook ok ty

    • Linda Arrington
    • September 9, 2014

    Plx tell me what this means. I dreamed several yrs ago. I was i a nice estalushment. A man met me. Directed me to follow
    As we walked another ma
    bed me from behind n restrained me. The 1st guy said we have u now. Then i jerked away n kicked them. They fell apart. I woke up n ask God to deal with them . I declare i heard .. your a captain im the army. U deal with them.

    • Robin
    • September 8, 2014

    Don’t know if you will see this or not. However I watch your video today off of facebook. Then I found your blog. I had a dream where I was in a building and was going to help the kids pick up the toys. Never saw the children or people, just knew they were there. I picked up 3 masks. One green, one yellow and cannot remember the other color. When I was walking to the “toy box” one of the masks (green one) jumped out of my hands. I put the other masks in the toy box and went back and picked up the green mask. I changed colors to red and grew a very pointed nose and showed me it little tine teeth. Was trying to bite me…it was very very angry. It did not succeed in biting me…I think I must had awakened after that.

    • Cathy
    • September 7, 2014

    Doug, what does it mean when you have a dream within a dream? Your dreaming that you are having a dream . Any help would be appreciated. I do not find that in the materials that I got from you or any other materials. Thank you for your help. Hugs Cathy

      • meli
      • September 26, 2016

      I too had a dream, in which I was explaining of my dream. I understood the dream meaning. But, why is there a dream in the dream?

      • Reply

        Meli, a dream within a dream is God highlighting the “dream” inside the dream. This is the main focus of the dream.


    • Brittany
    • September 5, 2014

    I had a dream recently. A bunch of friends and I were meeting at a house and in the dream we were all drunk. We don’t drink. I asked God why we he had us this way and he didn’t want us to be in control. Then in the dream we started praying and casting out demons. I went to punch the demon and I fell. I looked up as I was on the floor in the dream and the clock said 3:55. I then waited until daylight and some friends tried driving me home. We decided to avoid the highway cause we didn’t want to get pulled over. We took a back road and because the driver was still drunk we went over a ledge. Any idea what it means. Sorry for the long comment. God bless you.

    • gulya
    • September 5, 2014

    I saw a dream,where my dad(he died 5 years ago)asked me to give him 20 €.but I wanted 2 give him food(bread).

    • Reply

      The bread of life is more valuable than any amount of money! You chose to share God’s word over money! May mean you share your wealth of knowledge with others!!! 🙂

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • January 17, 2018

        Bless you Carol!

    • Shari
    • September 4, 2014

    when my sister and I started dreaming, the Lord told us to use strong’s concordance, Greek as this is new testament. We start at number 20 and above. We use the numbers you have for numbers up to 20. This has made a difference in our dreams.
    Strong’s Concordance has a number for every word in the Bible.

    • Reply

      That will work on some dreams but not all. God “speaks one way or another…” job 33:14 – even Jesus used different meanings for things in parables. God’s personal dream language for each of us will be different. Sounds like this is one He uses for you. Be careful to not assume it is the same all the time

    • Anne Petroff
    • September 4, 2014

    My husband, who is not a believer yet, dreamed he had hair on his back. (He doesn’t)
    Any idea what this could mean? Thank you so much.

      • Melba
      • October 15, 2017

      Hi what it’s the meaning of my dreams I had dream like thypoon and tsunami happens but I don’t know where that place but it happens all the the time in real life when I watch the video that they show on news it’s exactly I saw in my dreams the only thing I am not there but in my dream I was there . this happen several times. Thanks

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • October 18, 2017

        Often when we dream about an event then see it happen, it can be God showing you to pray into that event. You can ask God to show you how to pray. This is a beautiful gift! Bless you Melba!

    • Reply

      Anne the dream indicates he is growing in wisdom from his past.

        • Taneisha West
        • December 12, 2017

        I dream about 12:50 on a clock what would that mean

          • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
          • December 13, 2017

          Hey Taneisha! We always recommend looking up the number and then typing Bible verse. An example is google, “12:50 Bible verse.” Then see if a verse stands out. It also might be something God will reveal to you at a later time. Bless you!

          • I dream about 48 day the Lord is coming back for He’s bride.

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • November 8, 2018

            Thanks for sharing your Dream Rina, bless you!

    • Michele
    • September 4, 2014

    I have been receiving your blog posts for approximately a month now. I am you minister directly to where I am at that time. I haven’t had any dreams with numbers but, I did ask God a question regarding the prophetic and He answered it in numbers.

    • Christy
    • September 4, 2014

    What do you do when a certain number like 22 has had almost like a bad luck attached to it for instance my dad died on a 22 day
    I was norm on the 22 other big things have taken place on the 22 what do I do with this or how can I look at this the right way for instance I’m scared to fly on the 22

      • Yuriy
      • August 9, 2018

      I flew above the Heaven with Quinn from Africa ,and with two tiger flew to us King and Quinn say it is my man, and we flew to Kings office ,and he has proclaimed that I will meet you in 8: 30, what is mean ?.

      • Mary
      • May 10, 2017

      John Paul Jackson said once that 22 means mayor transition times.

    • Reply

      Don’t be afraid. The enemy is trying to terrorize you. Breakthrough this and redeem it. Begin to ask God for a blessing through the number 22

        • toni
        • September 1, 2015

        I’ve been going through some very trying times for about the last 7 years. Loss of a marriage, custody battle, loss of a job, great financial struggles, depression and withdrawal, sickness in my family, family totally falling apart. For the last 4 or 5 years I’ve been seeing the number 29. I see it everywhere all the time. On clocks, on tv, on license plates. No matter when i look at the clock, it always seems to be the 29th minute of the hour or seconds away from it. What does this number mean? Please help

        • Reply

          When I get numbers the way you describe it’s usually a Bible verse (29= chapter 2, verse 9). Consider 1 Corinthians 2:9!

            • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
            • August 9, 2018

            Thanks for sharing Paul!

          • Mary
          • May 10, 2017

          29 means departure and/ or mountainsMary

    • Charlotte Spencer
    • September 4, 2014

    Do you ever interpret dreams for us? I had one that puzzles me. I usually understand them, but not this one. thanks, charlotte spencer

      • Gabriel Anderson
      • January 31, 2018

      Hi Christy, I don’t if this makes sense to you, but our family has experienced many hard or tragic events on Jan. 1, new years. we could look at it as bad and what a way to start a new year, but what God has shown us is that Jan 1 is a new start, or new beginning, to remember the good things in the past and to look forward to the good things ahead. Hope that helps.

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • February 1, 2018

        Bless you Gabriel! Thank you for sharing!

  14. Reply

    I have had a dream of the number 888 and the number 23 the next day there was a word that was “profetic filtering” I have no idea what they mean but I know it has to be
    A message or something. Coyld you tell me what you think?

      • MarkD
      • March 22, 2019

      I was told while I was sleeping, I said ” negative 66 dollars is all it’s worth”. Any idea of what that means. I have not bought anything new, wasn’t planning on it and have sold anything. I can’t even remember the dream. Remember it was -66 ( negative 66)

        • Nikki, InLight Connection Team
        • March 25, 2019

        Hey Mark!

        As much as we love dreams we do not have a team in place to interpret dreams sent in.
        Doug has some great products on understanding dreams that will really help you grow in dream interpretation though, (

        Two of my favorites are the Dream Crash Course and Doug’s book Understand Your Dreams Now.
        Both are excellent ways to start understanding dreams.

        God loves to speak to us and we can always take all of our dreams to Him and ask Him if there is anything in them we should know.

      • Kelli Ann
      • December 20, 2014

      Tim, although I’m not Doug (just did a google search for his name and number 22 for my own question to him) but when I read your post, the first thing that popped in my mind was “the death of something” (23 – Psalm) is going to bring you into a new beginning (8) in that same area…the fact the 8 was tripled tells me that God (Father, Son, Spirit) is definitely behind it….

      I get prophetic stuff (usually on an international scale — check out “Kelli Ann Davis 1 Corinthians 14:8” on FB if you want) but Doug has always been one of my favorite “plugged in” leaders in terms of the prophetic….he has been spot on some many times…it’s uncanny! (That’s why I googled him)

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